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Exposição 'Bronzes e Jades da China Antiga' na Coleção José de Guimarães
Exposição 'Bronzes e Jades da China Antiga' na Coleção José de Guimarães
Museu do Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau, Lisboa, 11 de Maio de 2012 see more: Exposição 'Bronzes e Jades da China Antiga' na Coleção José de Guimarães


Mrs Maria Cavaco Silva Speeches


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Christmas Greetings
Belém Palace, 7 December 2007

President of the Republic:

Through the WebSite of the Presidency of the Republic, both I and my wife want to address all the Portuguese people, wherever they may be, to wish them a Happy Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

In this festive season, when we gather together with our families and friends, we cannot forget those Portuguese who, for any reason, are unable to spend it with cheer and happiness.

Mrs. Cavaco Silva:

True. May your Christmas be a friendly and fraternal gathering amongst those who are distant but would wish to be nearer.

We wish you all a very Happy Christmas.

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