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Visita ao Centro de Formação  Profissional de Setúbal,  no âmbito da 6ª jornada do Roteiro para uma Economia Dinâmica dedicada à Educação e Formação Profissional
Visita ao Centro de Formação Profissional de Setúbal, no âmbito da 6ª jornada do Roteiro para uma Economia Dinâmica dedicada à Educação e Formação Profissional
Setúbal, 11 de setembro de 2015 see more: Visita ao Centro de Formação  Profissional de Setúbal,  no âmbito da 6ª jornada do Roteiro para uma Economia Dinâmica dedicada à Educação e Formação Profissional


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Speech by the President of the Republic at the 2015 EPIS Meeting – Building the Future
Former Coach Museum, 9 July 2015

I am very proud to welcome the meeting of the “EPIS Family”.

I heard with great interest testimonies that clearly demonstrate the already very deep roots upon which is construed the building of the future by EPIS.

“Building the Future” is the title of the EPIS album, distributed amongst us all, and which well illustrates these nine years of work, conquest, of mustering of wills.

This meeting comprises entrepreneurs, aldermen, lecturers, ministries, voluntary workers, stewards, parents and students, who came together to defend a cause. The cause of education and the right of every child to equal opportunities.

I could state that this was the result of the summing of goodwill, but this, which would be quite a lot, is still not all that much.

After almost a decade gone by after the launching of this initiative, it is gratifying to recognize the vast work carried out by EPIS and by the more than 350 companies that joined this effort and the partners who aided the scholarly success of more than 18,000 students, in approximately three hundred schools in 36 counties.

First of all, the availability that existed to listen to an appeal and to recognize the merit of a cause.

This, as you are all aware, is an appeal I put forward, on 25 April 2006, for a “civic compromise for social inclusion”, where I underlined the importance of education as a privileged means to combat social exclusion.

I always trusted that this appeal would be answered, but it is only fair to emphasize that the dynamics of this response and the work carried out will never cease causing admiration and respect.

As we were able to hear today, the initiative existed, as well as the assembling of wills and the design of a growth strategy and the sustaining of a very ambitious project, involving a very wide number of participants from many sectors of our national affairs.

The in depth vision and cohesive action planning which were present at all times may be assessed by their results as was anyway shown here today.

There were very generous financial grants committed to this cause and above all, work, much work and dedication.

Work carried out by all those that, from the very first moment, opened the pathway towards a new method of intervening with those that required greater support and encouragement, with those that are the future of our Country and that we cannot allow being lost.

EPIS is an example of entrepreneurial association and of how the civil society knows how and is ready to respond to the call and to share efforts and join forces. Active policies to provide value to the school and to show youth the advantages in pursuing their education are the greatest value we can bequeath on behalf of our collective future.

What is at issue in the combat against inequalities and exclusion from schools is not just the capability of each youth to become a citizen in his full right, able to overcome life’s challenges and to take part in society with his talent.

It is equally true that, with these means, contribution is made possible towards a better and fairer society with greater economic growth.

This assurance has come forward and the collective consciousness of the importance of education is more than ever clear, such as work that is carried out nowadays in a spirit of enlarged cooperation, involving all interested parties: students, schools, families, local authorities, entrepreneurs.

EPIS is doubtlessly an example of this spirit and of this capability to achieve results.

My appeal is that the already trodden ambitious path is continued, expanding horizons and circuits of cooperation, leading more youths than ever to scholarly success.

I trust that the number of associates and partners will be growing, that Epis will be joined by an ever greater number of stewards, voluntary workers and institutional supports, thus achieving the dimension of a truly national project.

The notable work developed by EPIS requires extolling and enthusiastic support. It is a case of success of entrepreneurial vision and of civic culture in social responsibility, which has already achieved a decisive result in the life of many thousands of youths.

I want to congratulate all those that, throughout these nine years, have so fully dedicated themselves to this educational cause.

To the associated entrepreneurs and partners who have, in many ways, financed and aided the initiatives launched and probed.

To the members of local authorities, not just those that, since the first instances, backed EPIS, opening the doors to their counties and enthusiastically working alongside it, but also to all those who joined this dynamic enterprise recognizing that the young people in their counties could benefit here from an opportunity that provides encouragement and support.

I also want to congratulate the Ministry of Education and the large team of school stewards, which kept on growing, placing at the service of the students who needed greater support their knowledge and immense dedication.

A word also to IEFP – Employment and Professional Training Institute – which allowed joining the values of professional training and work experience, thus providing continuity to the path of EPIS youths.

I must also commend and thank the voluntary workers that joined the teams, giving, with inestimable generosity, their time and their knowledge to each of the youths they were able to accompany.

Finally, my thanks and sincere congratulations to all the EPIS team and to those who, throughout these years, managed and worked in this great collective enterprise which deserves everybody’s recognition.

To those who accepted to assume, in their successive mandates, the responsibility for the EPIS Management, I want to express my thanks for their availability, their civic example and their great sense of responsibility to manage and lead this undertaking to a safe harbour.

In public recognition of the work and merit evinced at the service of EPIS, and through it, to this civic cause of education, justice and equality of opportunities, I have decided, on this occasion, to decorate Dr. Luis Palha, a meritorious entrepreneurial manager, Chairman of the Board of EPIS, and member of its Board since the very beginning, as well as Eng. Diogo Simões Pereira, Director General of the Association, whose dynamism and competence are featured in the work that has been achieved.

To all those who, with great drive and competence, without faltering when facing challenges, were able to construe this Association and place it at the service of thousands of youths, benefiting the building of their and our future, my sincere congratulations.

© 2006-2016 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic

You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.