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Audiência com o Presidente Eleito Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
Audiência com o Presidente Eleito Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
Palácio de Belém, 28 de janeiro de 2016 see more: Audiência com o Presidente Eleito Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa


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Speech by the President of the Republic at the Award Ceremony of the 2014 North-South Prize of the Council of Europe
Assembly of the Republic, 1 July 2015

Today, once again, we meet in this house of democracy to award the North-South Prize of the Council of Europe. It is always with particular satisfaction that I take part in this ceremony.

Over the years, even though the North-South Centre has undergone change itself, all the people distinguished by this award have shared a fundamental trait: their highly deserving action in fostering the common values set in the matrix of the Council of Europe.

These individuals have directly contributed to the protection of human rights; the defence of democracy and the rule of law; the promotion of freedom and intercultural dialogue; raising awareness of global interdependence and solidarity.

Through its experience and the topicality of the values it abides by, the Centre plays a key role in actively promoting dialogue and cooperation, involving a wide range of entities and organisations. The North-South Prize has honoured entities from many distinct backgrounds, thus highlighting the diversity and plurality of the institution that awards it.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I’m deeply honoured to take part in this just tribute to Maura Lynch and André Azoulay.

Dr. Maura Lynch is a surgeon and obstetrician. For many years, she has devoted herself indefatigably to the promotion and protection of the fundamental rights of the most deprived people, particularly young women.

She has had an extensive, fulfilled career in the service of the Medical Missionaries of Mary. After a spell in Lisbon to study, she lived in Angola for twenty years and for more than two decades in Uganda, where she collaborated in the setting-up of a clinic at the Kitovu Hospital, specialising in surgery to treat post-obstetric pelvic trauma, which is a serious social and medical problem among women, especially in rural areas.

Through her work and perseverance, Dr. Lynch has played an active role in advocating women’s rights to primary healthcare, and in defending their dignity and often their survival. The recognition she has achieved throughout her career bears a clear testimony to her dedication and determination, but also to the importance of her work.

André Azoulay, an advisor to His Majesty the King of Morocco since 1991, with a distinguished career in economics, has engaged over the years in the strengthening of the dialogue between cultures, populations and men and women from the Mediterranean. His contribution to the Peace Process in the Middle East, by promoting relations between Jews and Muslims, is also worthy of note.

During a rich, multifaceted career, André Azoulay has been President of the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures. He is a member of the High Level Group for the Alliance of Civilisations set up by the United Nations. He is also Executive President of the Foundation for the Three Cultures and the Three Religions, based in Seville, and he is one of the founders of the Aladin Group which promotes intercultural relations between the Muslim community and the rest of the world.

Amongst the honours being awarded today, I would like to highlight, on the one hand, the focus on human rights and, in particular, women’s rights. Maura Lynch’s work shows that much remains to be done in this area, yet at the same time it encourages us to carry on. I would also like to stress the focus on the dialogue between Europe and the Southern Mediterranean, one of the emphases of André Azoulay’s activity. The relationships between Europe and its neighbours are fundamental and, in this context, the Mediterranean remains a highly challenging key area.

These two prizes bring a deserved recognition of the spirit of initiative and commitment of these award-winners who, through real action, chose to take on highly significant responsibilities in our societies.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

During the past year, the North-South Centre has been celebrating 25 years in the service of awareness-raising of the topics of global interdependence and the promotion of solidarity policies, in line with the goals and principles advocated by the Council of Europe.

Notwithstanding the great changes that have occurred worldwide in the last 25 years, the reason behind the creation of the NSC remains valid.

The troubled times we live in – marked by increased radicalism, intolerance and violence, to which the tragic events this year alone in Paris, Copenhagen, Tunis and Sousse attest – strengthen the need to continue to foster intercultural dialogue, democracy and human rights, and to raise awareness to the reality of global interdependence. The Centre’s role in promoting the values and mission of the Council of Europe remains as relevant as ever.

In this context, the need to give a voice and a more active role to civil society and its most vulnerable sectors takes on particular significance, notably through the development of policies that promote better education for democratic citizenship and the participation of young people in political life.

Winning over the people for this task is the best way to effectively and lastingly counter the totalitarian threats and the attempts to suppress peace and fundamental liberties that overshadow our societies.

The Centre has been in the front line of this civic fight for a clearer perception of global interdependence and an increasingly robust role of civil society, by empowering young people and women.

In recent times, we have witnessed with delight the renewed dynamics of the Centre’s activity, particularly its ability to attract new Member States and obtain financial support for its activities. In addition to the accession of Croatia, and soon, Tunisia, I have had the opportunity to be apprised first hand of Bulgaria’s and Romania’s intention to join the Centre, an announcement that was actually made during the State visits I made to these countries about two weeks ago.

I would like to appeal to the diplomatic representatives who are present here today. I call upon all of you to persuade the relevant authorities in your countries to broaden these dynamics and this political impact through stronger support for this important instrument of the Council of Europe, the North-South Centre, in the knowledge that each country will find the best way to contribute to this end.

Thank you very much.

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