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Address delivered by the President of the Republic at the luncheon with the Association “Entrepreneurs for Social Inclusion – EPIS”
26 November 2010

I have accompanied with great regard the activities of the Association of Entrepreneurs for Social Inclusion, an initiative launched in 2006 by a group of entrepreneurs, following the speech I delivered on 25 April of that same year, appealing toward a “civic commitment for social inclusion”.

This appeal underlined the relevance of education in the fight against social exclusion, and challenged civil society not to allow the State to carry out, on its own, the task of facing an issue that, nowadays, has a national dimension.

As President of the Republic, I have endeavoured to muster society to give due importance to the decisive role of the education of children and young people in the construction of the future we wish for Portugal.

We have to reduce sensibly and lastingly the lagging in the qualification of our young people, as compared with the majority of European countries.

We have to do so by improving the quality of teaching and allowing that the best develop their capabilities to the maximum possible level. But, however, without leaving behind those that, for many reasons, are unable to follow the rhythm placed on learning.

For this reason we have to give due attention to the creation of equal opportunities. Excellence must be a target attainable by all, not the privilege of a few.

Investment in education implies a long term view. But this does not exempt us from acting now and acting with all the means at our disposal in order that more talents are not lost, so that no child or young person be deprived of his personal and academic development for lack of opportunity or support.

As I have stressed, education must be a national purpose assumed by all. It is a noble cause and a fundamental corner stone for our development and for our assertion in European and global space.

We know that the qualification of the Portuguese is a necessary condition for a sustainable economic growth and for the construction of a more prosperous and fairer society.

Active policies to provide value for the school and to encourage young people to pursue their studies are the most lasting stake we can place for the good of our collective future.

We were presented today with the EPIS Action Plan for 2010-2012.

I must emphasize the very positive results that this seed, scattered in good time, has already produced, changing for the better the lives of many children and the ambitions of many parents in relation to their offspring, proving that it is possible to surmount obstacles and overcome difficulties.

I wish to congratulate the ten Municipal Partners of EPIS, who allowed the enlargement of the national broker network and the deepening of the excellent proximity task.

I am certain that many more municipalities will become integrated in EPIS. I appeal to the Municipalities to do so, to take advantage of this initiative and give it the second wind it deserves. Local authorities must be the allies, and equally, as well, in the effort that must be made to avoid children being harshly struck by the crisis.

I also wish to make public my appreciation and my encouragement to the entrepreneurs that have joined this mission, allowing its sustainability and the launching of projects for the future.

Either as associates or as partners of concrete initiatives, such as the local entrepreneurs that received today their diploma of participation in the pilot project “Broker’s network for success at school”, these entrepreneurs are an example of the added value that a well driven civic intervention can achieve for the fight against exclusion and school failure.

The action of the EPIS brokers has already led to many families achieving change and becoming united in order to adapt to the work and to the educational progress of their offspring, and it also true that a new environment has been created in schools relative to the issues and efforts of students and their families.

I appeal that the ambitious and innovatory project of the Association of Entrepreneurs for Social Inclusion perseveres, that associates are not lacking, and that the supports of the Ministry of Education and of the teachers and schools that have been determining for their success do not falter.

The life of each student that has already turned to the better and the attitude of each family that has begun to give value to the educational achievements of their offspring are the best retribution for this collective effort.

I wish to thank all the entrepreneurs that, since the very first moment, have come together to allow this project to come true and to congratulate the team of technicians who were able to materialize on site the activity plans and strategic actions, by mustering schools, teachers, students and families.

To the Board of EPIS, recently empowered and presided by Dr. António Pires de Lima, I wish to express my thanks for their availability, their civic example and for the great sense of responsibility to direct and bring this work to a good haven.

My wishes are that the Action Plan presented here today may be achieved with total success, for the benefit of the Country.

My best thanks to you all.

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The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.