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Cerimónia de despedida das Forças Armadas
Cerimónia de despedida das Forças Armadas
Lisboa, 17 de fevereiro de 2016 see more: Cerimónia de despedida das Forças Armadas


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Speech delivered by the President of the Republic on the occasion of the Banquet held in honour of Their Majesties the Kings of Sweden
Palace of Ajuda, May 5, 2008

Honourable Authorities,
Honourable Members of the Swedish Deputation,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

We have the greatest pleasure in welcoming you on this State Visit to Portugal.

The setting up of diplomatic relations and the signing of a Peace Treaty between our two countries, in 1641, was the starting point of our official relationship. It was an important year for Portugal, given its endeavour to maintain and obtain international recognition for an independence which it had just restored. A year in which the accounting of supports, friendships and alliances was made under the prism of the survival of a national project. And, in that difficult and decisive year, Sweden was with us.

As it would be once again, when it was necessary to assert and consolidate the democratic regime resulting from the Revolution of April 1974.

Between one date and the other, the History of our relationship was carved out of diplomatic, trading and cultural contacts which, although changeable in intensity, left us with a heritage of friendship and nearness which we must underline today.

This is the case of the literary collection of which an instance are the works of Ambassador Antonio de Castro Feijó and an anthology of letters from Diplomatic Legate Carls Israel Ruders, as well as – I cannot resist referring it – some gastronomic curiosities. To our Ambassador Sotto Maior, who represented the Portuguese Crown in Stockholm during the lengthy period from 1856 to 1894, is owed the recipe for “Perch a la Soto Maior”, still present today in the cooking books of Your Majesties’ country.

Portugal and Sweden are endeavouring to use this historical inheritance as a basis for a relationship aimed at the future, an objective to which a high level exchange of visits much contributes, such as that Your Majesties are now making, or that with which you honoured us in 1986, which I personally remember with great appreciation.

Allow me a reference to something which the Portuguese are particularly proud of: the bonds which link Her Majesty Queen Silvia to the country which is so near to us, Brazil, and which permit us to include Your Majesty among the more than 200 million people who share with us, throughout the 5 continents, that language which Pessoa considered as his Nation, with the matrix that brings together all those who speak it, such as Your Majesty.


The relationship between Portugal and Sweden stands on solid bases made out of common affinities and interests.

Sweden has one of the highest degrees of social and economic development in the world. The courage with which its people faced the adversities at the end of the last century, turning them into an opportunity for development and modernization, is a source of inspiration to all of us.

As a result of deep and demanding structural reforms, Sweden is nowadays, once again, a healthy and dynamic economy, with growth rates above the European average.

Portugal today is a country involved in a profound change of its development paradigm, which commands the need for a decisive investment in people’s qualifications, in technological innovation, in sustainable development. It is a route which requires far reaching reforms, which are favoured by political stability.

The moment has thus arrived for us to intensify and diversify our trading and economic relationship, availing ourselves of existing opportunities. This is the sense of the entrepreneurial seminar on renewable energies, included in Your Majesties’ visit.

Tourism is another area which deserves priority consideration, not just because of its obvious economic advantages, but also due to its contribution in approaching peoples, thus being a lever for closer cooperation in all fields of activity.


The excellence of our bilateral relationship is also reflected by a communion of values which lead towards a frequent confluence of positions in the United Nations, to a like endeavour in missions of peace and security, to a priority in aiding development, in short, to the attachment to the building of a fairer and more peaceful world. .

This identity of aims recommends that we find means of condensing our cooperation where our expertise could become an added value, specifically in Africa, a Continent which deserves very special regard from our two countries.

Within the framework of the European Union, our relationship is branded by excellence, many being the topics in which our points of view are identical. I would like, in this instance, to underline the support given by my country to the priorities established by Sweden for its Presidency of the European Union in 2009. A demanding Presidency, which will have to face – or so we expect – the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty, which will largely contribute to the definition and consolidation of the future operating model of the European Union.


There are thus numerous opportunities offered by our common membership of the European Union and by our endeavour in consolidating our relationship. The real challenge lies in knowing how to avail ourselves of them, thus contributing towards the development and welfare of our peoples.

Wishing that the State Visit that Your Majesties commenced today significantly contributes towards a strengthening of the bonds that link Portugal and Sweden, I ask you all to join me in a toast to the health of Their Majesties King Gustaf and Queen Silvia, to the friendly people of Sweden and to the prosperity of the relations between our two Countries.

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You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.