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Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas
Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas
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Speech by the President of the Republic at the Award Ceremony of Decorations to General António Ramalho Eanes and to Lieutenant General Vasco Rocha Vieira
Palace of Belém, 18 December 2015

We are honouring today two Portuguese who distinguished themselves in the very highest State offices.

As a serviceman, statesman and citizen, the path of life of General António Ramalho Eanes has, as dominant features of his personality, the love for his Country, integrity and earnestness of character, statesmanship and the unyielding firmness of the convictions to which he was forever faithful.

His moral stature, his probity and nobility of character were manifest, in the views of all Portuguese, when he took office as President of the Republic in a particularly difficult period in our History.

Prior to this, General Ramalho Eanes stood out as a tower of freedom, distinguished in the 25th April and, above all, as a leader of the movement that, on 25 November 1975, asserted Portugal as a free and democratic Country, a State which upheld the Rule of Law, faithful to the guiding principles of human dignity.

In very troubled moments of our History, General Ramalho Eanes was a fighter, a man of courage. With rare aplomb and sense of equilibrium he led the destinies of Portugal with firmness and determination, placing national interest and that of the Portuguese over and above all attempts of pressure and intimidation.

While President of the Republic, he once again showed his deep appraisement for democracy and freedom, keeping himself totally faithful to the values and to the noblest ideals of service to Portugal and to the Portuguese.

General Ramalho Eanes,

In Portugal, Your Excellency deserves, more than anyone, to be awarded the Grand Collar of the Order of Freedom, in recognition of the greatness of your character and of the services you rendered in order that Portugal is nowadays a Homeland of freedom and democracy.

Lieutenant General Vasco Rocha Vieira, throughout a brilliant and multifaceted military career and public office, rendered relevant and highly distinguished services to the Armed Forces and to Portugal.

In the performance of the duties of Chief of the Army General Staff, he evinced exceptional qualities of command, together with great firmness and integrity of character, sound ethical and military training and a notable dedication to the highest ideals in the service of his Country.

Lieutenant General Vasco Rocha Vieira determinedly contributed to the consolidation of the democratic process and to restore hierarchical authority and discipline of the Armed Forces during especially troubled times in the life of this Country, carrying out an important and decisive Army reform.

In the performance of his duties as Minister of the Republic for the Azores Autonomous Region, he developed a persevering and well advised, serene and determined action, in searching for the best solutions in order that the process of regional autonomy would be led towards the strengthening of national cohesion, a mission which he achieved with total dedication, political balance and great statesmanship.

As the last representative of the Portuguese administration in Macau, General Rocha Vieira notably ensured with the fullest of success the power transition of the territory to the Chinese People’s Republic, a mission in which he demonstrated a rare profile as a public figure, unbeatable patriotism and total devotion in the defence of national interest and which he brilliantly concluded, unanimously recognized in the Country and in the midst of the international community.

More recently, and as Chancellor of the Ancient Military Order, Lieutenant General Vasco Rocha Vieira evinced his humanistic qualities, showing reflection and intelligence, discretion and a high sense of statesmanship and of public service.

For these reasons, I consider that Lieutenant General Vasco Rocha Vieira is a true deserver of the award of the Grand Cross of the Military Order of Torre e Espada, of Value, loyalty and Merit, as recognition of the relevant services he rendered to our Nation.

Thank you.

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The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.