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Speech delivered by the President of the Republic at the Commemorative Ceremony of the National Day of Portugal, Camões and the Portuguese Communities
Santarém, 10 June 2009

President of the Assembly of the Republic,
Prime Minister,
President of the Supreme Court of Justice,
President of the Constitutional Court,
Members of the Government,
Members of the Diplomatic Corps,
Mayor of Santarém,
President of the Organizing Committee of the Commemorations,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
People of Portugal,

Today is the National Day of Portugal, of Camões and of the Portuguese Communities, the day in which we remember our forbears and render tribute to those who continue their work and are singled out for notable deeds on behalf of the nation.

In this so significant day for the Portuguese people, we are here, in Santarém, to celebrate our identity as a people and the bonds that have linked us for centuries, wherever our bearings, in search of a better future.

We are also here to pay tribute to those who preceded us and bequeathed us a sovereign Country, to herald our wish to pass on the same bequest, enhanced if possible, to those who will succeed us.

I would like, at this moment, to evoke the memory of João Bénard da Costa, who, during the last ten years, notably performed the office of President of the Organizing Committee of these Commemorations.

The 10 June celebrations are, more than anything else, a demonstration of faith and trust in the capabilities of the Portuguese people, so often proven throughout the ages.

Capability to resist in adverse times and to defend the integrity of the territory and of national independence, as demonstrated, for instance, by Nuno Álvares Pereira, whom the Catholic Church recently canonized.

Capability to accurately plan and achieve with determination the boldest concepts, such as demonstrated by Admiral Gago Coutinho, born exactly 140 years ago, who, with Sacadura Cabral, carried out that extraordinary deed which was the first air crossing of the South Atlantic.

Capability, as well, to venture forth, dare and discover new lands and new worlds in which to succeed, such as can be seen, even now, in so many of our emigrants.

The example of these and so many other men and women, our countrymen, be they notable or just anonymous, is a real reason for pride.

But it should equally be a stimulus, a proof that we are capable of success, even when faced with the greatest challenges and the worst adversities.

In a text of “Viagens da minha terra” (Travels in my Country), that magnificent book where the region of Santarém is so admirably pictured, Almeida Garrett contemplates the River Tagus, reads some of the verses from the “Lusíadas”, and enthusiastically cries: «I dreamt I was Portuguese, that Portugal was Portugal once again».

In this day of Camões, more than dreaming, we have to believe that Portugal will once again be Portugal, a better Portugal, the same Portugal that so often asserted itself throughout its history.

The examples that reach us from the past are, first of all, a responsibility for all and each one of us. Responsibility to resolve the issues which face us. Responsibility to create a better Country for our children and grandchildren.

This is not an abstract responsibility. It is a material responsibility, which is immediately interpreted as our duty to take part in public life.

In the admittedly difficult times in which we live in, it cannot be accepted that any Portuguese considers himself exempt from contributing, however small this may be.

Yielding is surely not an adequate way – neither, obviously, effective – to face challenges and resolve difficulties. On the contrary, levels of abstention such as those seen in the elections held last Sunday are a symptom of giving up, of resignation, which only impoverish democracy.

When issues which affect us all are at stake, no one is exempt from his duty, at the risk that the management of public office would lack the required scrutiny which is the people’s vote.

Abstention must, in addition, be food for thought for the politicians. Citizen’s trust in democratic institutions depends, in good measure, from how those who are elected act in the performance of their duties.

If we lack prestigious representative bodies, it will be difficult to increase electors’ participation and to show them how their vote is relevant and useful for establishing the decisions which are in everybody’s interest.

The credibility of the politicians is more necessary than ever when the current economic and financial situation is a challenge, unprecedented in the last few decades, to the quality of the democratic institutions, to the competence and vision of the future of the decision makers, and to the responsible and equitable endeavour of each citizen. As far as I am concerned, I assure the Portuguese that, for better or worse, I shall be here at all times.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In this day when we are celebrating Portugal and the memory of a nation aged more than eight centuries, we must ask ourselves what we may and want to carry out to continue following that course, so that our successors may equally take pride in what we have achieved and in the options we chose.

We cannot call on the glories of the past without considering the difficulties of the present and the responsibility we all have in the search of solutions for the future.

It is right, and obviously fair, that we trust our energies and resources as a nation. But it is also necessary that we have the courage to face the real facts and to carry out the required changes, in politics as in general society, in public as in each one’s particular actions.

As I have already said, «truth generates trust, illusion is a source of disbelief». Only correct information allows the people to choose the better solutions to mind their future and that of their families.

Before anything else we must be aware how to learn from the current situation which remedies must be applied.

Diagnoses and, still less, regrets or recriminations, will be of little use if, meanwhile, there is no change in our attitude and behaviour.

Confronting the difficulties and challenges we are facing, it is imperative to promote a culture of values, a culture that regards people’s dignity, fosters effort and merit and favours social cohesion.

Value must be given to family bonds, which are the most solid base of any society and the best way to ensure inter-generational responsibility.

It is necessary to revive in the people a spirit of sobriety and solidarity conscience; fight extravagance and waste and revise habits of consumerism; understand that we are also responsible for the fate of others, mainly of those who are needier and that live and suffer near to us, in our city or town, in our quarter or in the company we work in.

More than simple formal rules, a clear presence of ethical principles must exist, above all, in the institutions, in the world of business and in the world of labour. Fairness, equity and social responsibility cannot be considered as extinct, as mere words which we only remember when troubles occur.

A culture of transparency and accountability must be adopted both in the State and in civil society.

We must not forget that the basic reason for some of the main issues which are currently being faced in the world was the lack of scruples and principles by those who misused the trust placed upon them, ruining millions and thus disrupting the well being of many more.

If there is a clear lesson to be learnt from the current environment, it is that economic development may not be achieved by undermining social responsibility and the respect for ethical rules, which bind both governments and politicians, as well as markets, entrepreneurs and managers.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Such as it has always been in the past, it is necessary to have trust to overtake difficulties. Portugal, notwithstanding the realism imposed by the indicators, has reasons to be confident. Portugal is not «the possible Country», neither «the Country of those who relinquish», which the poet Ruy Belo wrote of in times past, in verses inspired by the deepest of dismays. Portugal can, and has to, trust itself.

In the global world in which we live in, Portugal has important strategic resources which have been identified for long and are well known to everybody.

We have been, for centuries, a State with well defined borders, and a cohesive nation which speaks the same language and which has a common origin and history.

The network of social solidarity institutions, spread all over the territory, with an already lengthy tradition of rendering inestimable services to the community, is an enormous asset in current times, and is undeniable proof of the ethical reserves we knew how to preserve.

We are, in addition, inserted in the European area and in the Euro zone, an area of great economic dynamism, which has, in the last half century, given an inestimable contribution for the improvement in the living conditions of its citizens and for solidarity amongst its peoples.

Internationally, we have a privileged relationship with a relevant number of countries, in all continents, a result of our maritime adventure, of our already secular diaspora, of the universal dimension of the Portuguese language and of the prestige enjoyed by the emigrant communities.

By reason of our geographic situation, we are holders of one of the largest exclusive economic areas in Europe, of a unique oceanic heritage, with extremely relevant geological, biotechnological and energy resources.

We have great wealth in forestry, if we can be able to protect it from fire hazards.

Climatic and security conditions, added to a rich and diversified natural and cultural heritage, make Portugal a Country with a recognized vocation for the development of tourism.

The efforts and talents of the Portuguese must be mustered to take advantage of all these resources, both to improve the performance of our economy and to halt the trend towards the Country’s growing indebtedness – families, enterprises, public sector.

It is true that the international economic and financial situation, whilst making clear to what extent countries are interdependent nowadays, has also evidenced several of Portugal’s specific weaknesses.

It is thus not sufficient that we .limit ourselves to survival.

It is necessary to see further ahead; to anticipate, immediately, where we want to be when the current environment is finally overcome; and to create the conditions to take advantage of the stage of recovery.

In short, it is necessary to have a medium and long term strategic view, a view alien to immediate timetables, which could endanger the future and render worthless the sacrifices, demanded at this time.

History shows that winners always emerged in times of deep difficulties: those that knew how to act with determination, strategic sense and capability to muster efforts and wills. Portugal can be one of the winners.

We are well aware of the great national objectives. It remains to know how to place the Country on the correct bearing, establish the necessary changes, readjust individual behaviours and expectations, and invest in what is, in effect, essential for the increase of our competitive capacity.

No one ignores the urgency of improving the educational system, in order to inspire in the younger generations the value of knowledge, of innovation, of creativity and of entrepreneurship.

Education is not just a school’s issue. Society must fully incorporate in its day-to-day life the need for learning, as a factor of personal achievement and social progress.

We must not forget the rural world, whose development is decisive, both in the perspective of agricultural production and complementary activities, and in that of regional planning, of the fight against depopulation in the interior and of countrywide cohesion.

We have to seek a civil society truly emancipated from the State, stressing itself autonomously by its creativity, organization, work and capacity for innovation; a Public Administration which renders quality services and has its independence ensured as regards political parties or other interests; a judiciary system with credibility and prestige, functioning efficiently and which inspires trust to the community.

People of Portugal,

We cannot allow ourselves to be defeated by dismay.

Portugal has always known how to overcome the difficulties it faced throughout its history.

I am sure that we will know, once again, how to measure up to our ancestors.

I have kept in frequent contact with the most diversified sectors of our society. From all that I have seen and heard, I am certain that we can transform this age of ordeal into an age of hope.

There are, happily, many instances, particularly among younger people, of scientists, entrepreneurs, artists and other professional Portuguese who have triumphed, both in the country and abroad, and who will not conform to the delays persisting in many sectors of national life.

Their non-conformism must be our motto. Their work must be taken as the example and their triumph the goal we seek for the whole Country.

Hope is the word.

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