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Cerimónia de despedida das Forças Armadas
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Message from the President of the Republic addressed to the Portuguese Communities residing abroad on the occasion of the National Day of Portugal, Camões and the Portuguese Communities
Lamego, 9 June 2015

On this National Day of Portugal, I very warmly greet the Portuguese Diaspora.

I do so from Lamego, which this year hosts the National Day of Portugal, Camões and the Portuguese Communities, a city that is deeply linked to the foundation of our Nation. Its role in the History of Portugal is such that it can be considered the ideal venue to evoke the past and think the future of our Country. This thought, however, can never dispense with the fundamental contribution of the Portuguese Communities abroad.

Since I took office as President of the Republic, I have always endeavoured to underline the pride we feel for the Portuguese in the Diaspora and how far they have driven to cast, all over the world, the image of an innovatory end enterprising Portugal that we must continue building. They are the true ambassadors of the quality of the Portuguese.

In the context of my official journeys abroad, I have always found dynamic communities, well integrated Portuguese, who excel in companies, in culture, in citizenship, in sports, in political activity, in science and in so many other fields.

I met and contacted with notable Portuguese, a real community of talents which fills us with pride and enriches us a Nation. They are the Portuguese that, although spread over the five worldwide continents, want to improve and strengthen the bonds with their Country of origin.

Fellow Countrymen,

As you are aware, Portugal has fulfilled a demanding Programme of Economic and Financial Aid which, at a time of national emergency, it was obliged to establish with international institutions.

This Programme ended, a new page is open to us. We have started a new stage in our national life and have good reasons to place our trust in the Country’s future.

Although there is still much to be achieved, the Portuguese economy has become more competitive, sustainable and integrated in the global economy.

Unemployment is lowering. Portuguese products are conquering new markets. We have corrected the imbalances in the State’s accounts and regained access to the external financial markets.

Foreign institutions and investors have been gradually and quietly signalling renewed trust in Portugal.

I consider the Portuguese Diaspora to be one of our Country’s most competitive advantages.

Aiming to approach the Communities and to encourage new means of relationship between the Portuguese and their countrymen that live away from their native Land, I promoted the institution of the Innovatory Entrepreneurialism Prize in the Diaspora and the setting up of the Council of the Portuguese Diaspora.

These are initiatives that should inspire stronger bonds amongst all of us, so that your roots to the land where all this began are never forgotten.
I am very pleased to recognize that your actions have been greatly relevant for the external credibility of our Country.

Recalling that this is an election year, I appeal, on this National Day of Portugal, that you maintain a highly patriotic spirit and civic participation in national politics.

I want you to know that Portugal recognizes and thanks you for the much you have done on behalf of our Country. The hope for a better future must bring us all together on behalf of Portugal.

To you all and your families, I address my deepest wishes for professional and personal success.

© 2006-2016 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic

You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.