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Cerimónia de agraciamento do Eng. António Guterres
Cerimónia de agraciamento do Eng. António Guterres
Palácio de Belém, 2 de fevereiro de 2016 see more: Cerimónia de agraciamento do Eng. António Guterres


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Speech Delivered by the President of the Republic in the 3rd COTEC Europa Conference
Palace of Ajuda, July 17, 2007

Your Majesty, King of Spain,
Your Excellency, President of the Republic of Italy,
Honourable Prime-Minister,
Honourable members of the Government,
Honourable Ambassadors of Spain and Italy,
Honourable Chairmen of the COTEC Foundations of Spain and Italy and Chairman of COTEC Portugal
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I wish, first of all, to express my great pleasure in being able to preside, in the company of His Majesty the King of Spain and of His Excellency the President of Italy, at this closing session of the 3rd COTEC Europa Conference.

I congratulate the Board of COTEC Portugal for the success of this conference held in Lisbon, and my thanks are due for the valuable contributions of its counterparts from Spain and Italy.

I also wish to express my special greetings to the representatives of the business enterprises present here today, with particular regard to those who came from Spain and Italy, hoping that the contacts and exchange of experiences with their Portuguese counterparts contributes towards improving their business relations.

This conference brings out the vitality of the tripartite cooperation between the COTEC organizations and is totally inserted in the spirit which presides to the Lisbon Strategy, the development of which is one of the priorities of the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union. The proposal to cooperate with the European Commission, placed before the associates today, is a relevant example of what I have just mentioned. It provides a common meaning for the concerns of each of the national systems of innovation, and highlights areas in which COTEC Europa may contribute for a more effective implementation of the policies of the EU.

The advantages of coordinating innovation policies in European terms are well known, but well known as well are the risks of a policy which does not take into account each country’s specific conditions.

Globalization exerts, these days, an increasing impact over the operational efficiency of business enterprises, as well as the unprecedented levels of competition.

The participation of enterprises in COTEC initiatives should help them to face the challenges that a more than ever integrated and competitive global economy places on their growth and on the development of their operating strategies.

Enterprises cannot wait for the next crisis in their sector of business to look for remedies that, in a moment of inspiration, will resolve their problems of competitiveness.

One way for business enterprises to face challenges and to reach new stages of growth is to invest in the conversion of possibly still rudimentary ideas into economic values. This requires, before anything else, a methodical and integrated effort of identification and use of knowledge.

Due to their special nimbleness, SME’s, in any of our countries, may be a source of innovation and creativity and employment generators. For this reason, I enhance the inherent strength of the COTEC SME Innovation Network. Several world class Portuguese business enterprises, leaders in their respective markets, are part of this network. Their successful experience in innovative and internationalization processes deserves being shared.

Ladies and Gentlemen

In these days, it is more than ever clear that the need to innovate to guarantee environmental sustainability is an integral part of the underlying requisites for a lasting economic growth.

It is urgent to effectively face the symptoms that compromise the quality of life of future generations, specifically global warming and the impairment of hydro resources.

Eco-effectiveness and clean technologies are considered as a necessity and an economic opportunity and are a source for generation of business enterprises and employment in new markets.

There already exist good examples, both in the scientific system and among business enterprises, of investment in clean technologies in the energy sectors as well as in those of water supply and treatment, costal protection and waste. Examples that demonstrate the value of innovation applied to the real issues affecting our societies.

Important prospects are also made available by the Sciences and Technologies of the Sea, insofar as these have a positive and responsible influence in regard to a natural and essential resource. Moreover, the implementation of a European Maritime Policy is one of the priorities of the Portuguese Presidency. Following the comments contained in the Green Paper prepared by the European Commission, we hope it will be possible to outline an Action Plan which embodies this Policy.

Ladies and Gentlemen

We are all endeavouring to strengthen the technological dimension and the culture of innovation in our productive fabric. This is a common objective to Spain, Italy and Portugal. The future will judge us for the real results that the business enterprises in our economic area achieve in these fields. In scientific and technological research, cooperation and sharing of knowledge are the bases for the feasibility and for the enhancing of new opportunities for innovation. We have to unite our efforts, but we must equally endeavour to be connected with the best networks of knowledge in each area of science, technology and industry.

The strengthening of the COTEC concept as a common factor emerges from this Conference. As a witness of the capacity for coordination and convergence of efforts of the COTEC Organizations of our three countries, as well as of the competitive dynamism which we need to provide effective results for our business enterprises, our economies and our societies.

Decisive in this respect was the support of His Majesty the King of Spain and of the President of the Republic of Italy, whose presence greatly honour all of us.

Thank you.


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