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Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas
Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas
Nova Iorque, EUA, 28 de setembro de 2015 see more: Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas


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Speech by the President of the Republic on the Fiftieth Anniversary
of the Commando Troops
Carregueira, Centre of Commando Troops 29 June 2012

We commemorate today, simultaneously, the 50 years of the creation of the “Commandos” and the Day of the Centre of the Commando Troops.

It is my intention, as Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, to render on this date a deserved tribute to the “Commando” soldiers who served our Fatherland bravely and unselfishly, and to distinguish their relevant contribution to the defence of the values of freedom and democracy.

I salute each of those present in this ceremony and, especially, the war veterans, to whom I render my deep appreciation and to whom our Country owes so much.

To celebrate this day is to revisit the past, filled with valiant acts of bravery and courage, a past that must not be forgotten, replete with examples and inspiration.

It is also a day for the meeting of different generations, linked by the same values and principles, forged in common codes of honour and behaviour, in existence since the Commando Troops were founded.

The soldiers that were its originators and comprised the first troops, were required to exert singularly high degrees of physical and mental resistance, in order to face the nature and requisites of the operational environment with which we were then challenged in Africa.

During 12 years, nine thousand men, comprising several units in these crack corps, achieved a notable performance in operational theatres in Angola, Mozambique and Guinea, shaping the “Commando” as an exceptional soldier, a primary example of military value, bravery in combat, courage, cold bloodedness and serene energy under fire

The spirit of discipline, the sense of responsibility and the exceptional patriotism shown in Africa, were once again demonstrated when they were called upon to act in defence of democratic legitimacy, assuming a predominant role in the preservation and consolidation of the freedom once again conquered on 25 April 1974.
It is thus with a feeling of deep gratitude that we evoke today the memory of all the “Commandos” that fell in the field of honour and gave their lives for the Fatherland, to whom we pay due tribute, following the armed forces ceremonial and the precepts inscribed in the “Commando” ritual.

Winning when many doubted, conquering when many opposed them, going forward when others hesitated, their names are ineffaceably carved on the monuments that honour them and in the hearts of their friends and acquaintances. It is a moment of sorrow, but also of deep admiration for the tribute paid to their comrades in arms and to the Portuguese Fatherland.

To keep their memory alive, to keep up the strength of the bonds and values that link them all, is bound in the principles that rule the Commandos Association, to whom I want to show my recognition for the highly meritorious action carried out in the development of a historical heritage and of estimable ethics, in the strengthening of camaraderie in arms that accompanies you throughout your lives and, particularly, to the fellowship shown to the needier associates and their families.

Nowadays, the actions of the Commandos are developed within a different context, but the determination, the professionalism and the preparation of the men continues as ever, whether in the missions that they carry out in the Deployed National Forces, of which an example are the actions in Afghanistan, deserving of great praise, and those developed within Military and Technical Cooperation in Portuguese speaking Countries.

It is fair to outline the irreplaceable role of the Centre of the Commando Troops, heir and guardian of the noble traditions of the Commando units, based upon the skills and motivation of its staff.

The high standards of performance that these crack troops have kept are only possible if associated with strict training and an identity of their own, based upon strong discipline and code of conduct.

In spite of technological advances and sophisticated equipment, the key to success continues residing in the soldier, in his training, in his moral strength and in his capacity for interpretation and decision.

It is with this certainty that I address the young soldiers that have completed the one hundred and nineteenth Commando Course, congratulating them for having overcome, with success and certainly with sacrifice, the challenges and hardships to which they were submitted.


Your history is filled with valorous examples of bravery and courage, well expressed in the annals of your 50 years of existence and the high grades of decorations with which “Commando” units and soldiers have been distinguished, with pride and discernment.

The young people that then assumed the arduous task to initiate these Special Forces were subject to unique conditions of adversity, which placed their convictions, their fears and their instincts on trial. They were capable of conquering these, with determination and heroism, achieving extraordinary deeds.

Lessons in life, that must be an example and inspiration to us all.

I thank you, once again, for your presence. I thank you on behalf of Portugal and the Portuguese, for all that each of you, with your effort and unconditional dedication, has accomplished for our Country.

I encourage the younger people to measure up to the values and traditions of those who preceded you, to honour the memory of those who have been perpetuated for their deeds, continuing to be the voice of the Commando, shouting out loud: “MAMMA SUMMAE HERE WE ARE”.

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You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.