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Speech delivered by the President of the Republic at the Commemoration Ceremony of the 101st Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Republic
Lisbon City Hall, 5 October 2011

We celebrated in 2010 the centenary of the establishment of the Republic. This year, on this 5th day of October, the Portuguese Republic begins its second centenary.

In this new republican century, the Portuguese are living times of uncertainty in the face of what the future may bring them. Internationally there are worrying signs that the economic and financial situation may again worsen. In a world that is more than ever global and interdependent, the bad performance of the developed economies will inevitably be reflected over the remaining economies.

In a new world of this new century, Europe finds itself at a crossroads as to its future. The main founders of the European project are being placed very deeply and even dramatically under the burden of proof.

We are living in times that are a decisive test for the vitality of the European Union, and it is the duty of us all, peoples of this ancient Continent, to decide whether we want a Union that is just a mere conglomerate of markets or if, on the contrary, we want to embody the wish for a cohesive and understanding Europe, united both in the good as in the bad moments. Only thus will Europe continue faithful to its roots and be able to satisfy the cravings for the shared well being that were the genesis of the Communities.

The current European leaders must know how to measure up to the grandiose ideas of Jean Monet or Robert Schumann.

Portugal has to assert itself, within the context of a European Union deserving of that name, with a credible State and a Republic that honours its commitments.

We must be a country determined to resolve its own issues in freedom, sovereignty and independently. We may have to be aided in difficult times but no Portuguese should be in any doubt: it is in us, citizens of this Republic, that duty lies to build a healthy economy and to find paths to the future. If we do not carry out our homework, there will be small worth in the receiving of an aid that is necessarily limited in amount and in duration.

The adhesion of more than half the current member States of the European Union was at a date later than ours. We have, also for this reason, special responsibilities in valuing the European project. It is crucial that the whole Country be active in the defence and in the deepening of a common project, the weakening of which would mean an irreparable loss for all the peoples of Europe.

There is no doubt that the failure in the experience of the euro would drag the whole of the Union along with it, driving it into a maelstrom of unforeseeable results. The adulteration of the euro zone would be the beginning of a process that would culminate in the destruction of a united Europe such as we know it and aspired for. Should this come to be, what sort of credibility would the European countries present to a global and extremely competitive world?

This is the great issue that the European leaders must place themselves and to the citizens of their countries.


We are living very difficult times. This is a reality than nobody with any sense can deny. During several years it was possible to ignore what was obvious, notwithstanding the warnings arising from the most diverse quarters. Now, we are facing a situation that will demand great sacrifices from the Portuguese, probably the greatest sacrifices that this generation has ever met with.

We must also have in mind, however, that Portugal has crossed over difficult crises throughout its multi-secular existence. Difficult were the times prior to the First Republic, as difficult were the years of the Great War in which we took part with the blood of heroes.

Difficult are the missions of the Armed Forces, in Portugal and abroad, deserving of our admiration and respect and in which the Portuguese view themselves in their sense of duty and in their eminently national characteristics.

Difficult were the times of the past, but here we are today, celebrating the Republic to which we belong with pride. In this country where we live, the country where our forefathers died and where our children were born.

And it is just because of this that, in our times, it is so important to reinvent republicanism, set up a republican spirit adjusted to the civic demands of the new century.

Times like these are undoubtedly difficult, but difficult times are times for learning and the crisis has virtues that bring us strength, since we become more conscious and realistic.

We gave away many years in the lethargy of easy consuming and in the illusion of public and private overspending. We now have to learn how to live within our means and to take advantage of our potential.

The crisis we are going through is an opportunity for the Portuguese to give up installed habits of superfluous expenses, in order that they rediscover the republican value of dignified austerity, so that they cultivate life styles based on saving and on the containment of excessive expenditure, so that they return to consuming national products, so that they revisit their country and find forgotten landscapes and a historical heritage that only by being known may be cared for and preserved.

The republicanism of this new century must be more demanding as to the redistribution of wealth and in the sharing of sacrifices. Portugal has been accumulating intolerable asymmetries to which I have often called the attention of the Portuguese.

The Country showed the markings of grievous unbalances in land planning, in the disparity of incomes, in the unequal opportunities it dispensed to the several generations.

The State’s financial readjustment and the reorganization of its structure cannot lose sight of the need to correct the deficits in territorial, social and generational justice, that were corroding the bases for the cohesion of citizenship that must exist amongst the members of a united and understanding Republic.

Republican culture implies a deep reform of the exercise of public office. Precisely because more sacrifices are demanded, the example of politicians must become more authentic.

In times such as the present, citizen’s tolerance decreases in the face of public excessive expenditure and unproductive investment, and this has a positive effect in the situation we are going through.

We now have the opportunity, both in the private and in the public area, to correct flaws and eradicate vices that would otherwise be kept away from citizens’ critical sight, but that would affect them in their daily life and the future of the new generations.

The citizens of a centenary Republic are more demanding as to the need of deep changes in political activities and are fully conscious that their country’s Justice must be a factor of development and not an issue that paralyses economic activity and social life.

Over a century ago Oliveira Martins stated that, when crises appeared «things are more clearly seen under the light of reality». We are now facing reality.

The times for illusions have ended. We have a long and arduous path to tread, to which I must alert the Portuguese very directly: budgetary discipline will be hard and inevitable but, if there are no signs of economic recovery in the short term, the opportunity created by the programme of financial aid we subscribed may be lost.

Together with the inevitable cleaning up of the public accounts, the national productive texture must be revitalized as well as private investment, fighting unemployment, increase of productivity and the production of goods and services capable of competing in the external markets. Should this not occur, the financial unbalances will benefit only from a mere temporary correction and we will once more be placed in the contingency of recurring to external aid , which, should it happen, would be under much more grievous conditions for the Portuguese. We must avoid this at all costs.

There is a way, narrow and difficult, that comprises discipline in the use of public funds and the increase in internal savings, but also the growth of our economy.

We have potential that we do not always recognize as such. Security favours the development of quality tourism. The oceans have still much that can be exploited, in all that they can sustainably provide us with.

The markets for urban refurbishment and rentals must be activated, in the same way that it is urgent we safeguard our historical and cultural heritage.

There is a long path to tread in taking advantage of forestry and in the production of regional quality products. But above all we have currently at our disposal qualified and enterprising generations whose talent and dynamics we cannot afford to lose.

In times of economic scarcity it is also necessary to rediscover the value of culture and provide predominance of spiritual dimension over the material dimension of human life.

Initiatives of volunteering and providing aid to the needier, frequently carried out by younger people, are an encouraging sign that it is possible to have hope. Together with a fair share of sacrifices, special concern must exist regarding inclusivity and protection of those who are really in need of our help. In fighting the waste of resources, the State must give families an example of parsimony and containment.

In their turn companies are expected to increase their respective social responsibility, particularly in the regions where they operate and generate wealth and employment.

The school must be measured by quality and demanding criteria, since this is the only way to comply with the republican ideal of democratic pedagogy.

Local authorities are called upon to provide greater regard to the strengthening of the productive capacity of their municipalities and to launch programmes of social aid, in connection with the civil society institutions.


We are at the beginning of a new republican century. The Portuguese have to be aware of what they require from the State and the public powers in a context of a great scarcity of resources. But, above all, the Portuguese must be aware of what they want concerning their collective future, now that a time has come when sacrifices are not enough, but when it is crucial to save more, to work more and to provide growth to the economy.

We cannot hold on to easy solutions that reality will swiftly dispel. We all know that we cannot continue living above our means. We have to learn to live in accordance with what we produce, aware that that only by producing more and with better quality will we be able to afford a better life.

I am in no doubt that we are able to achieve this. We have proven it in the past; we are proving it every day, both in Portugal and abroad, whether in the communities of the Diaspora or in the vast number of young researchers that stand out in several universities throughout the world.

On this 5th day of October 2011, I appeal to the Portuguese to work in accordance with their immense capabilities, certain that this will be the only way to build the Republic of the second centenary. A freer, more authentic and fairer Republic.

Thank you very much.

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You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.