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Message from the President of the Republic addressed to the Portuguese Communities on the occasion of the National Day of
Portugal, Camões and the Portuguese Communities
Viana do Castelo, June 9, 2008

In this celebration of the National Day of Portugal, but also of the Portuguese Communities, I wish to salute very especially all the Portuguese of the Diaspora, addressing them a message of encouragement and recognition.

Since the beginning of my mandate I have been concerned with emphasizing the merit of the Portuguese who live and work in foreign parts and the relevant role they perform in the assertion of Portugal in the world, and which I have had the opportunity to witness on several occasions.

This happened a little less than a year ago, when I travelled to the United States of America to visit the communities in the areas of Boston, Fall River, New Bedford and Newark or, more recently when, in Rio de Janeiro and Maputo, I contacted the Portuguese that live and work in Brazil and in Mozambique.

We know that the Portuguese adventure in the world is not a recent event. But, if the Portuguese who left their Homeland have a past history of determination and talent, their present also exists and, most important, a future which requires being valued.

It was this objective that led me to support the setting up of the “Entrepreneurial Innovation Prize in the Portuguese Diaspora”, which I had the opportunity to announce last year, during my visit to the Portuguese community in Luxembourg.

This prize is intended to reward the Portuguese citizens that, due to their entrepreneurial and innovatory capabilities, have distinguished themselves, whether in their activities in their host countries or in their relationship with Portugal. .

I know that this is only a small contribution. I know how the Portuguese generations spread around the world have been the expression of the Portuguese entrepreneurial spirit, of the capability to take risks, of the efforts and ambition to go further. But I equally know that there is a need for us all to muster that enormous share capital represented by the Portuguese Diaspora.

The ease of communication and the speed of transfer of know-how which is a feature of globalization configure a new challenge for Portugal, but simultaneously a new reality for our Diaspora.

If in the past many went away without knowing if they would ever be able to return, distances today are shortened, and all the Portuguese can be nearer to each other and to their Country.

For this reason, in this National Day of Portugal and the Portuguese Communities, I appeal to the mustering of this immense social and human capital which are the five million Portuguese and Luso-descendants that live and work abroad.

The resources and the know-how of the Portuguese who live abroad can contribute towards a greater international assertion of Portugal, supporting, for instance, the input of Portuguese goods and companies into new markets.

On the other hand, Portugal must know how to attract and to show affection to the Portuguese who, living abroad, want to return and, as such, contribute with investments, training and experience to the Country’s economic and social development.

This mustering may be carried out with the endeavour of the civil society, and should be complemented and consolidated through the development of formal devices – such as, for instance, chambers of commerce and new trade networks, without forgetting the Portuguese inspired traditional institutions. But, this being a national purpose, it will also be the State’s responsibility to develop the relationship between Portugal and its communities.

In this National Day of Portugal I could not but recall that extraordinary literary genius, whose day is also celebrated today, Luis Vaz de Camões. His major work, “Os Lusíadas”, the maximum assertion of our language, would never have been written if he hadn’t also, one day, departed on the discovery of “new worlds”.

Celebrating the Day of Camões is celebrating the Portuguese Language. The fundamental role of the Portuguese communities in valuing our language and our culture must not be forgotten.

To all the Portuguese who live and work abroad I leave, once more, a word of appreciation and recognition.

We know we can count on you. You can and must count on Portugal.

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You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.