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Visita ao Centro de Formação da Escola da Guarda (GNR)
Portalegre, 11 de fevereiro de 2016 see more: Visita ao Centro de Formação  da Escola da Guarda (GNR)



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Speech by the President of the Republic at the Banquet in Honour of the President of the Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe
Palace of the Cascais Citadel, 25 July 2012

Both my Wife and I are extremely pleased in welcoming Your Excellency, Mister President, as well as your retinue, on this your State Visit to Portugal.

We have very vivid and pleasant memories of our Visit to São Tomé and Principe in 1990, when I held office as Prime Minister. We also recall, with affection, the beauty of that “sacred plot of land”, as masterly described by Alda do Espírito Santo, and its gentle and welcoming People.

The bonds of friendship that link Portugal to the “marvellous islands” cannot be reduced to common words, even if these belong to the mutual language that joins us so closely. A very deep connection exists between both our countries, built upon historical, cultural and friendly ties that we were able to materialize, politically and diplomatically, within the terms of an excellent bilateral relationship. This connection, that is also multilaterally externalized, finds particular meaning in the midst of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries, as was vividly shown in our recent encounter in Maputo.

Within the framework of cooperation and aid to development, the relations between Portugal and São Tomé and Principe stand out with vigorous dynamism. I am pleased to recall the recent approval of the Indicative Cooperation Programme for 2012/2015, which will shortly be subscribed by both Governments.

And, because we are two countries looking towards the future, the new Cooperation Programme goes beyond the important traditional areas, such as health and education, to include two innovating features, both of which are equally relevant in terms of structural build-up: on the one hand, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial development and, on the other, the achievement of scientific and technological capabilities.

I allow myself to emphasize that the financial package attached to this Cooperation Programme is practically equivalent to the preceding package, in spite of the difficult context which we are going through, a clear political sign that, as far as Portugal is concerned, the friendly partnership between our Peoples is solid and linked to the future.

Mister President,

Along with the excellent institutional cooperation, it should be referred that the links with São Tomé and Principe spread, here in Portugal, to non governmental organizations, to the Academies and educational establishments, to hospitals and local authorities, that is, they cover a great portion of our civil society.

The integration of the Portuguese and São Tomé and Principe communities that live in both countries reveal, as well, the friendship and understanding that are shared by both Peoples. The São Tomé and Principe community that lives and works here dignifies its country, positively contributing to our collective destinies and sharing with the Portuguese both the difficult and the joyful moments.

Portugal is one of the main investors and trading partners in São Tomé and Principe. Many Portuguese companies have invested in São Tomé and Principe, in reciprocally beneficial activities, such as the banking, telecommunications and tourism sectors.

The Economic Cooperation Agreement subscribed by our two countries allowed São Tomé and Principe to create an environment of monetary and financial stability that is evident nowadays as a relevant factor of development. Similarly, the achievements of São Tomé and Principe in political and social stability and in the functioning of the democratic and security systems are crucially attractive features for investment and private initiative.

Portugal is well aware of the lines of development already established by São Tomé and Principe in the creation of infrastructure and in the increase in productivity.

I am certain that our enterprises are able to provide an important contribution, based upon their national and international experience and, above all, upon the unique understanding that exists between the Portuguese and the people of São Tomé and Principe, as was anyway made clear during the recent entrepreneurial Portuguese visit held there.

I am pleased to note that Your Excellency included in your retinue entrepreneurs from São Tomé and Principe who are interested in our country. We welcome you with open arms, firmly convinced that the contacts established here will result in material actions and successful partnerships.

Mister President,

Miguel Torga said: “I am the freedom of a profile drawn on the sea”. Portugal is that profile nowadays and the freedom we conquered is the pencil that draws it. Difficulties sharpen inventiveness and Portuguese inventiveness is well known. We conquered the vicissitudes of geography and of History, thereby building an identity that is simultaneously unique and universal, interwoven also in the relationship with our privileged partners, amongst which is, unequivocally, São Tomé and Principe.

We are fully confident in the profile we want to inculcate on the future of our relationship and I thus ask you all to join us in a toast to the health and welfare of His Excellency President Manuel Pinto da Costa and to the deepening of the fraternal bonds that link Portugal and São Tomé and Principe.

© 2006-2016 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic

You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.