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30.º aniversário da adesão de Portugal às Comunidades Europeias
30.º aniversário da adesão de Portugal às Comunidades Europeias
Lisboa, 8 de janeiro de 2016 see more: 30.º aniversário da adesão de Portugal às Comunidades Europeias



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The President’s New Year Message

People of Portugal

On this first day of the New Year I want to address you all a friendly greeting and my best wishes for your good health and prosperity.

I am thinking especially of those who suffer or live in difficult circumstances. I especially think of those who are away from their families and of the soldiers carrying out international peace missions in various parts of the world.

I know that the year now ended was not easy for many Portuguese.

We would all wish that the progress of the economic and social situation of the Country could have been better and that the signs of recovery would now be stronger.

But I must, before anything else, emphasize an event which should be a motive of joy for us all.

Portugal carried out, in the second half of 2007, the Presidency of the European Union, a demanding and extremely responsible task. It did so efficiently, rigorously and with great dignity. It is more than fair that the role performed by the Government should be duly recognized.

The presidency brought prestige to Portugal and all those who carried it out deserve our regard.

The growth of our economy improved during the past year. But the signs that we are on the way towards a sustained approach to the average level of development of the more advanced European countries are not yet secure.

Progress was achieved in the control of the unbalances in public finance, and there are positive signs in the recovery of investment, both very relevant issues for the future development of the Country.

But unemployment has reached a worrying rate, and there are many families that face great difficulties in making ends meet on a daily basis.

It is thus natural that the Portuguese are faced with several queries.

- Will it be possible to reduce the rate of unemployment?
- Will the sacrifices gone through in the last six years guarantee a better future?
- Will the Country be able to approach the average development of the European Union?
- Will Portugal be able to win?

I am sure of it.

Greater and better investment is required. Stability and confidence are determining factors.

It is imperative that our enterprises are able to face external competition. The increase in productivity, innovation and technological progress are key factors.

We must not forget that we are a Country of small and medium sized enterprises. Without their contribution the growth of the economy and the reduction in unemployment are not feasible.

It is thus necessary that the State act effectively and with precision in the use of public funds, and that it does not constitute an obstacle to entrepreneurship and to the creation of wealth.

Work and determination are required from all of us. The building of a better future is a collective task.

2008 will witness the arrival of fresh community aid: a contribution with enormous relevance for the development of the Country.

It must be demanded that these funds be applied in a strictly strategic sense and managed effectively and transparently. This is an opportunity that cannot go to waste.

I have endeavoured to call the attention to the decisive role that education of children and young people plays in the building of a future for Portugal.

The increase in the number of students in secondary and higher learning and the reduction in school abandonment are positive signs of the year that has just ended.

I am equally aware that there are now more schools in which the quality of teaching is an effective reality.

But we still have much to do in order to reduce the lag in the qualification of our youth, as compared with the majority of the countries in the European Union.

In order to succeed, we must join our efforts; we must improve the climate of confidence between all the intervening bodies of our educational process.

We must ensure the endeavour and the dedication of teachers, demand a more active participation of parents in their children’s education, and muster the local communities. And we cannot dispense with demanding results from students.

The operation of the judiciary system is still an obstacle to the economic and social progress of the Country.

Important legislative reforming measures were taken in the year just finished, as a result of a political understanding obtained in Parliament, as well as several measures to modernize the judicial services.

But neither the people nor the enterprises have yet felt significant improvements in the reactions of the judiciary system and continue, legitimately, claiming for a more efficient and faster administration of justice.

It is demanded that all the intervening bodies in this process contribute towards the strengthening of the confidence of the people in the judicial system.

People of Portugal

In order to conquer the challenges we are facing, the deepening of the dialogue amongst politicians and of that between the public authorities and the social groups and powers would be of great advantage.

We must accept criticism as an incentive to do better.

The deepening of dialogue will surely improve the understanding of policies, reduce conflict and pressures, and create a more favourable environment for the development of the Country.

Realism and knowledge of the strong competition that national products face in the global world is demanded from all of us.

In face of the difficulties in the growth of our economy, in face of the anguish of those without employment, and the continued existence of poverty zones, it is imperative that we concentrate on what is essential for our common future, and not bring into debate that which divides the Portuguese people.

Do not allow our attention to stray from what is really meaningful.

In my efforts to muster the Portuguese on the issues of social inclusiveness I have encountered answers which filled me with joy.

The Country is nowadays rousing a voluntary spirit, a greater sensitivity in enterprises as to their social responsibility, and the movement of solidarity towards the less favoured is stronger.

In spite of this, however, and of the State’s effort in the area of social protection, we cannot but be anxious in the face of the inequalities in the distribution of income which is shown by statistics.

Without questioning the principle of giving value to merit and the need to capture the best talents, I ask myself if the amounts received by corporate officers are not often unjustified and disproportionate, as compared to the average pay of their workers.

At this time, I also wish to call the attention of the Portuguese to two serious issues, for which we all hold our share of responsibility.

In the first place, the extremely low rate of birth recorded in Portugal.

If children are not born, our collective future is at issue.

We need active policies in the promotion of the birth and the protection of our children, under which families are provided with better conditions to nurture their progeny.

Secondly, the great number of people who continue dying due to road accidents.

We must be more demanding in the training of drivers. We cannot compromise with those that, when driving, are endangering their lives and those of others.

People of Portugal

I have visited many areas of the Country and tried to become better acquainted with the difficulties, the fears and the ambitions of our peoples.
Abandonment and the ageing of the population is a very serious issue in the interior of the Country, which the public powers cannot ignore.

The access to health care is an anxiety of many Portuguese. They are not certain that the users, mainly those with lower resources, occupy, as they should, a primary place in the reforms which are inevitable to ensure the financial sustainability of the National Health Service.

It would be important that the Portuguese should know where the Country is being led in the case of health care. They could thus better assess what is being carried out.

In my contacts I have met, in the most diverse environments, good examples of the capability of the Portuguese to conquer the challenges of the new era.

In enterprises, in science, in culture, in education, in social work.

Within the framework of my competence, I have tried to provide incentive to a new generation of enterprising and creative people, who do not fear competition.

People who do not expect benefits from the State, but only that it does not bring them difficulties and that it is fair in terms of taxation.

It is for this very reason that I continue thinking that this is an era of hope and believe that we are capable of going further. We all have to give our best to reach that objective.

The path in front of us is not easy. The international economic environment is difficult.

But I trust the capability and determination of the Portuguese. We have the duty to leave a better Country to our children and grandchildren.

To all Portuguese, wherever they may be, I renew my wishes for a happy 2008.

Good night.

© 2006-2016 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic

You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.