Portugal is a country with centuries of pioneering spirit. In the past we totally moidernized Science and Trade in the whole world, bringing together and re-creating cultures, materials and technologies of different continents; currently we are leaders of segments of the global market of Information and Communication Technologies. The profile of Portugal’s economic specialization changed deeply in the last few years: today, electronic plant and equipment, automobiles and solutions are amongst the main exporting sectors.
The exhibits we have brought to Poland is just a selection of several of the main Portuguese companies relevant in such business areas. Not nearly exhaustive, it was however thought that it would bring Poland nearer to Portugal e provide information which could be useful and relevant for everyday life, in areas such as e.government,, domotics (digital home) or e.entertainment.
We hope you enjoy this exhibition and that it may represent just a first step on the way to a long and fruitful approximation between Poland and Portugal.
© 2008 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic