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Apresentação do livro 'As Primeiras-Damas - As Mulheres dos Presidentes da República em Democracia'
Apresentação do livro 'As Primeiras-Damas - As Mulheres dos Presidentes da República em Democracia'
Palácio de Belém, 12 de Abril de 2011 see more: Apresentação do livro 'As Primeiras-Damas - As Mulheres dos Presidentes da República em Democracia'


Mrs Maria Cavaco Silva Speeches


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Mrs. Cavaco Silva’s message addressed to the “New Future” Association
30 November 2007

Your Highness Dona Pilar de Borbón
Dear Friends

The truth is that man proposes and God disposes.
And tonight (with such different weather than that of last year’s stormy night and which I will not forget), when I wanted to join you in the annual festivity of the “New Future”, God disposed otherwise. 

All I am able to do is to leave you with a word of appreciation through the untiring President of the Association, Isabel Guerra, marking my virtual presence, since the real one is not possible this time.
Other occasions will arise. 

As I am wont to say: 

Thank you for the toil of the many that help us, with such generosity, to better achieve our duty of solidarity with those that are in need of us.
To you all my best wishes for Christmas and a smiling “New Future” filled with affection. 

And please do not forget what I said a year ago: Christmas is a time for affection and at times even affection costs money... 

Maria Cavaco Silva

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