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Inauguração de exposição de Manuel Baptista
Inauguração de exposição de Manuel Baptista
Algés, 5 de Julho de 2012 see more: Inauguração de exposição de Manuel Baptista


Associations and Projects sponsored by
Mrs. Cavaco Silva

Mira Sintra Educational Centre for the Handicapped Citizen

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The Mira Sintra Educational Centre for the Handicapped Citizen (C.E.C.D. Mira Sintra) is a non-profit Social Solidarity Cooperative Society and is recognized as a Public Benefit Institution.

It was founded in 1976 by parents and technicians and the skills and experience of both are present since its very beginning in the management of the Cooperative.

It currently attends to approximately 1,500 people, from children, youths and adults that require specialized aid due to unbalances in their development and/or enhanced deficits in their educational, working or social performance.

It has differing service functions, in different locations, with specific programmes and multidisciplinary teams, adapted to the needs and characteristics of the people attended to.

Its geographic area of activity covers primarily the County of Sintra.

Further information in www.cecdmirasintra.org.

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