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Entrega do Prémio Mulher Activa 2011
Entrega do Prémio Mulher Activa 2011
Lisboa, 15 de Junho de 2012 see more: Entrega do Prémio Mulher Activa 2011


Associations and Projects sponsored by
Mrs. Cavaco Silva

Pais-em-Rede (Parents-in-Network) Movement

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PAIS-EM-REDE (PARENTS-IN-NETWORK) is a non-profit national civic movement that provides support for “special families” with the objective to promote quality of life and carrying out personal and professional projects.

PARENTS-IN-NETWORK intends to become an active voice which acts dynamically and transversally in collaboration with existing structures.

PARENTS-IN-NETWORK aims being represented in areas such as health, education, training and self fulfilment socio-professional integration.

Further information available in www.paisemrede.pt.

© 2006-2016 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic