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Entrega do Prémio Mulher Activa 2011
Entrega do Prémio Mulher Activa 2011
Lisboa, 15 de Junho de 2012 see more: Entrega do Prémio Mulher Activa 2011


Associations and Projects sponsored by
Mrs. Cavaco Silva

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“Associação Ajuda de Mãe” (1)
“Associação Ajuda de Mãe” (2)
“Associação Ajuda de Mãe” (3)
“Associação Ajuda de Mãe” (4)
“Associação Ajuda de Mãe” (5)
“Associação Ajuda de Mãe” (6)
“Associação Ajuda de Mãe” (7)
“Associação Ajuda de Mãe” (8)
“Associação Ajuda de Mãe” (9)
“Associação Ajuda de Mãe” (10)
“Associação Ajuda de Mãe” (11)
“Associação Ajuda de Mãe” (12)
“Associação Ajuda de Mãe” (13)
“Associação Ajuda de Mãe” (14)
“Associação Ajuda de Mãe” (15)
“Associação Ajuda de Mãe” (16)

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Ajuda de Mãe (Mother’s Help)

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The mission of Mother’s Help is to provide backing for pregnant women, in the respect for the life of the baby to be born so that, with this support, each mother may improve the quality of her family life.

Set up in 1991, Mother’s Help is a Private Institution for Social Solidarity whose work is developed by a multidisciplinary team, supported by a team of voluntary workers aiding the different services provided by the Institution.

In addition to information, guidance and welcoming provided to pregnant women, Mother’s Help provides training which aims towards full maternity, contributes to the healthy development of the offspring, promotes mother’s educational qualification and their social and professional reinsertion, as well as support for the family.

Further information in www.ajudademae.com.


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