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Entrega do Prémio Mulher Activa 2011
Entrega do Prémio Mulher Activa 2011
Lisboa, 15 de Junho de 2012 see more: Entrega do Prémio Mulher Activa 2011


Mrs Maria Cavaco Silva Speeches


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Message from Mrs. Maria Cavaco Silva read at the “Heroes for a Cause” Gala as part of the “Help us put out this fire” campaign organised by the Intermarché Group
16 September 2006

Love is fire that burns without being seen
It’s a wound that hurts and is not felt

We all know, at least from our school says, the beginning of this beautiful sonnet by Luis Camões that we so like to quote, usually in happy circumstances.

In recent years we have been, far too much so,afflicted with fire that burns but is seen. It’s a wound that tears up the landscape and leaves black scars across the body and soul of Portugal. There are not enough tears – though so many have been shed by the women and men of my country – to put out this fire and make the green come back to this scorched landscape.

Many are the families that have been affected by this calamity that destroys the roots of the work of arduous, difficult lives. Everything we can to appease the effects of this evil is welcome. These 16 vehicles, the result of the “Help us put out this fire” campaign, are an example of the way in which society can and should contribute to making less difficult the lives of those who do not give up the fight, putting their own lives at risk.

It would also be a precious help if we were all to become a community committed to the reduction of risk conduct that make of our country one of the ones most affected by forest fires.

Maria Cavaco Silva


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