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Exposição 'Um Gosto português. O uso do Azulejo no século XVII'
Exposição 'Um Gosto português. O uso do Azulejo no século XVII'
Museu do Azulejo, Lisboa, 3 de Julho de 2012 see more: Exposição 'Um Gosto português. O uso do Azulejo no século XVII'


Visit to the LPDM Foundation

Visit to the LPDM Foundation

Foundation of the Portuguese League of Disabled Persons

Mrs. Maria Cavaco Silva visited the premises of the Foundation of the Portuguese League of Disabled Persons – LPDM, including the School for Special Tuition and the Centre for Occupational Activities, opened an exhibition on ceramic works and assisted at the launching of the Portuguese version of Nicole Maher’s book “The Smallest Warrior”.

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“Rastrillo” Fellowship Fair

“Rastrillo” Fellowship Fair

Opening of the "Rastrillo" Fellowship Fair
Mrs. Maria Cavaco Silva presided at the opening of the “Rastrillo” Fellowship Fair, an initiative of the New Future Association, which supports homes for the shelter of children and youths. The exhibition was held in the previous premises of the Lisbon International Fair, in Rua da Junqueira.
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The First Lady at the Diplomatic Bazaar

The First Lady at the Diplomatic Bazaar

Opening of the Diplomatic Bazaar
Mrs. Maria Cavaco Silva presided at the official opening of the Diplomatic Bazaar, an initiative of the Association of the Spouses of Portuguese Diplomats, which will be on show until November 26 at the Cordoaria Nacional building, Rua da Junqueira, in Lisbon.
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Friends of Burn Sufferers have a branch in Lisbon

Friends of Burn Sufferers have a branch in Lisbon

Lisbon Branch of the Association of the Friends of Burn Sufferers
Mrs. Maria Cavaco Silva presided at the opening session of the Lisbon Branch of the Association of the Friends of Burn Sufferers, where she proffered a speech.
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European Day of Cystic Fibrosis

European Day of Cystic Fibrosis

Conference for the Disclosure in Portugal of the “European Day of Cystic Fibrosis”
Mrs. Maria Cavaco Silva chaired the inaugural session of the Conference for the Disclosure in Portugal of the “European Day of Cystic Fibrosis” during which she proffered a speech.
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Project supports institutions of public fellowship

Project supports institutions of public fellowship

Launching of the “Be Helpful” Project
Mrs. Maria Cavaco Silva attended the launching ceremony, in Lisbon, of the “Be Helpful” Project – “Your choice for a good cause”, intended to aid institutions of public fellowship.
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Crinabel is 30 years old

Crinabel is 30 years old

30th Anniversary of Crinabel
Mrs. Maria Cavaco Silva took part in the Commemoration Supper of the 30th Anniversary of Crinabel.
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Institution received the visit of Mrs. Maria Cavaco Silva

Institution received the visit of Mrs. Maria Cavaco Silva

Visit to "Help the Crib"
Mrs. Maria Cavaco Silva visited “Help the Crib”, a private institution for social support, where she lunched with members of the management and congregated with the children receiving aid.
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Message of support to the “Help us extinguish this fire” Campaign

Mrs. Maria Cavaco Silva addressed a message of support to the “Help us extinguish this fire” Campaign which was read today at the “Heroes for a Cause” Gala Occasion.

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Presence in the Route to Inclusion dedicated to children under risk and to domestic violence
Mrs. Maria Cavaco Silva accompanied the President of the Republic during the whole of the 2nd Campaign of the Route for Inclusion dedicated to children under risk and to domestic violence, which took place in the Porto and Aveiro Districts.
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