In Beiwai University
Included in the programme of State Visit that the President of the Republic is carrying out in China, Mrs. Cavaco Silva gave a lecture on Portuguese Literature, based on the work of Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, to the 2nd and 4th year students attending the Course of Portuguese Studies in the Beijing University of Foreign Studies (Belwai).
In China People’s Palace
On the occasion of the President of the Republic’s State Visita to the People’s Republic of China, Mrs. Cavaco Silva met, in China People’s Palace, in Beijing, the First Lady of China, Mrs. Peng Liyuan.
Guided visit to gardens
Included in the programme of the President of the Republic’s State Visit to China, Mrs. Cavaco Silva took a guided tour of the Yu Gardens, in Shanghai.
Chapel of Our Lady of Good Health
Mrs. Cavaco Silva attended, in the Chapel of Our Lady of Good Health, Martim Moniz Square, in Lisbon, the traditional investiture ceremony of Our Lady of Good Health.
National Coach Museum
Included in the programme of the State Visit that is being held by the President of the Republic of Singapore and his Wife to Portugal, Mrs. Cavaco Silva invited Mrs. Mary Tan to view the National Coach Museum.
Naval Museum
Mrs. Cavaco Silva attended, in the Galleys’ Pavilion of the Naval Museum, in Lisbon, the opening ceremony of the 2014 Magic Glow Worm Campaign, organized by the National Federation of Social Solidarity Cooperative Societies – FENACERCI
Launching of project
Mrs. Cavaco Silva attended the launching of the “Give and Take” project, a partnership between the ENTRAJUDA institution and the Portuguese Caritas organization, which was held in the Knowledge Pavilion, Nation’s Park, Lisbon.
“O Telhadinho” Home
Mrs. Cavaco Silva attended the inaugural act of the CEDEMA Home – Association of Parents and Friends of the Mentally Deficient – known as “Telhadinho” (Cosy Roof”, located in Fontaínhas Quarter, Famões, Odivelas.
Audience in Belém
Mrs. Cavaco Silva received, in audience, Dr. Francisco Tomás, Director of the Sant’Anna Industry of Faience and Tiles received in Belém.
Cordoaria Nacional
Mrs. Cavaco Silva attended the pre-opening of the Lisbon Art & Antiques Fair, organized by the Portuguese Antique Dealer’s Association, and held in Cordoaria Nacional, Lisbon.
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