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Visita ao Serviço de Pediatria do Hospital Central de Maputo
Visita ao Serviço de Pediatria do Hospital Central de Maputo
Maputo, Moçambique, 19 de Julho de 2012 see more: Visita ao Serviço de Pediatria do Hospital Central de Maputo


Tribute to Vasco Graça Moura

Tribute to Vasco Graça Moura

World Poetry Day celebrated with event in the Palace of Belém

In an event launched with the theme “The poem is a Greeting, the poem is a Farewell”, actors, musicians and singers performed on a stage installed in the Palace of Belém, in celebration of the World Poetry Day, a programme organized by Mrs. Cavaco Silva.

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“Poetry is a journey to (un)mask mysteries”

“Poetry is a journey to (un)mask mysteries”

World Poetry Day celebrated with reception in Palace of Belém

In a reception organized with the theme “Poetry is a journey to (un)mask mysteries”, authors, actors, musicians and singers performed on the stage set up in the Palace of Belém, celebrating the World Poetry Day, in a programme organized by Mrs. Cavaco Silva.

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Café Poetry in Belém

Café Poetry in Belém

Authors, actors and vocalists celebrated the World Poetry Day in the Palace of Belém

In a soirée held with the motto “The word can become a world”, authors, actors and vocalists strode through the stage installed in the Palace of Belém, celebrating the World Poetry Day, in a programme organized by Mrs. Cavaco Silva.

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“From Silence and Other Islands”

“From Silence and Other Islands”

Writers, actors and songsters celebrated the World Poetry Day in the Palace of Belém

In the event launched with the theme “From Silence and Other Islands”, in a tribute to poet Ruy Belo, writers actors and songsters performed on the stage set up in the Palace of Belém, celebrating the World Poetry Day, in a programme organized by Mrs. Cavaco Silva.

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Innovative code featured in stamps

Innovative code featured in stamps

Launching of stamp issue “Communicate in Colours”

Mrs. Cavaco Silva attended the Launching Ceremony of the “Communicate in Colours” stamp issue, celebrating the colour identification code for the colour-blind, “Colour ADD”, created by Portuguese designer Miguel Neiva.

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Exhibitions in NFAM

Exhibitions in NFAM

Exhibitions “Cuerpos de Dolor” and “De Amicitia”

Mrs. Cavaco Silva visited the Exhibitions “Cuerpos de Dolor, The Image of the Sacred in Spanish Sculpture (1500-1750)”, and “De Amicitia, 100 Years of the League of Friends of the Fine Arts Museum”, both on show in the National Fine Arts Museum, in Lisbon.

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Exhibition in MUDE

Exhibition in MUDE

An anthological exhibition of Kukas

Mrs. Cavaco Silva visited the 1st anthological Exhibition of fashion designer Kukas, “A cloud that turns into rain”, on show at the Museum of Design and Fashion (MUDE).

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Visit to exhibition

Visit to exhibition

“My Lisbon” Exhibition

Mrs. Cavaco Silva visited the “My Lisbon” exhibition of paintings by Jacinto Luís, on show in the Estoril Casino Art Gallery.

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“A Streetcar Named Desire”.

“A Streetcar Named Desire”.

“A Streetcar Named Desire” by Tennessee Williams in D. Maria II Theatre

Mrs. Cavaco Silva attended, in D. Maria II National Theatre, in Lisbon, the play “A Streetcar Named Desire”.

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Collection of works of art exhibited in the Foundation

Collection of works of art exhibited in the Foundation

Medeiros e Almeida Foundation

Mrs. Cavaco Silva visited, in Lisbon, the Medeiros e Almeida Foundation.

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