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Apresentação do livro 'As Primeiras-Damas - As Mulheres dos Presidentes da República em Democracia'
Apresentação do livro 'As Primeiras-Damas - As Mulheres dos Presidentes da República em Democracia'
Palácio de Belém, 12 de Abril de 2011 see more: Apresentação do livro 'As Primeiras-Damas - As Mulheres dos Presidentes da República em Democracia'


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Audience in Belém

Audience in Belém

25th Anniversary of the Baptism of Frigate “Álvares Cabral”

On the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Baptism of Frigate “Álvares Cabral”, of which she is Godmother, Mrs. Cavaco Silva Received four members of that Warship’s Crew, who offered her a bouquet of flowers, in commemoration of the event.


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