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Exposição 'Bronzes e Jades da China Antiga' na Coleção José de Guimarães
Exposição 'Bronzes e Jades da China Antiga' na Coleção José de Guimarães
Museu do Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau, Lisboa, 11 de Maio de 2012 see more: Exposição 'Bronzes e Jades da China Antiga' na Coleção José de Guimarães


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Ribeira das Naus welcomes initiative

Ribeira das Naus welcomes initiative

“Christmas in Europe – with GIL, we connect worlds”

Mrs. Cavaco Silva took part in the initiative “Christmas in Europe – with GIL, we connect worlds”, promoted by the Jacques Delors European Information Centre (JDEIC) and the GIL Foundation.

The event was held in the Relógio Manor, in the Ribeira das Naus Building Complex, in Lisbon.


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