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Audiência com o Presidente Eleito Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
Audiência com o Presidente Eleito Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
Palácio de Belém, 28 de janeiro de 2016 see more: Audiência com o Presidente Eleito Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa


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President of the Republic’s address regarding the Elections to the European Parliament
Palace of Belém, 19 March 2014

Good evening,

In the terms of the Constitution and of the legislation in force, and after hearing the opinion of the political parties, I have decided to set the date for the elections of the Members of the European Parliament on 25 May next.

On that day the Portuguese will be called upon to choose their representatives in the European Parliament, a body that undertakes essential duties in the European Union. The choice of members of the Portuguese parliament or of local authorities is not in question.

The events occurred in the last few years, with special reference to the recent economic and financial crisis, showed very clearly to what degree the future of Portugal and that of Europe are linked.

Whoever ignores the future of the European Union is ignoring the future of Portugal.

Portugal is a full member of the European Union and has taken part in the Euro project since its inception.

Decisions taken in European official spheres deeply condition and influence the lives of the Portuguese, our fate as a country, the future of the new generations.

It is thus crucial that the Portuguese take an active part in the elections for the European Parliament.

First of all they must find out what is at issue in this electoral act, the challenges that Europe will be facing in the following years and what will be the role of the European Parliament in this historic moment of great relevance to us all.

Secondly, it is essential that the Portuguese take part in these elections through their vote, by exercising their democratic rights in the choice of the Members of the European Parliament.

As European citizens, the Portuguese have the right – and the duty – to make their voice heard in the institutions that are instrumental in decisions concerning our Country.

The Portuguese Members of the European Parliament will be called upon to contribute actively in order that, in the makeup of European policies, Portugal’s specific interests are positively taken into account.

It is necessary that in the following years the European Union continues asserting itself as an area of freedom and democracy, promoting peace, security and political stability in the world and, in particular, in the countries which are nearer to us.

Within the framework of the Unions foreign policy, a new transatlantic partnership is under negotiation with the United States of America, a fundamental area of cooperation in a world where competition between nations is a global issue.

Also included in the agenda for the following years are the strengthening of the Economic and Monetary Union, particularly the operational effectiveness of the Banking Union, the deepening of the coordination of economic policies, the increase in competitiveness of the Member States and the setting up of bonded indebtedness instruments.

Along with these, extremely important decisions will be taken concerning the widening of the domestic market, specifically in the energy sector, technological innovation and reindustrialization of the European economies.

In this context, Europe must determine as priorities economic growth, the fight against unemployment and social cohesion.

In the following years the debate on the free circulation of people, the definition of a new European immigration policy and combating climatic change will more than ever be prime issues for consideration.

The European Parliament will equally have a fundamental role in the choice of a new President of the European Commission and in the composition of this body.

Such topics as these, which are essential for the future of Europe and that of our Country, must be the object of information to be disseminated to the Portuguese and of debate amongst the political parties.

The electoral campaign and the suffrage on 25 May will be held on a very complex moment of national life. Portugal will have to very shortly clearly set the course to be followed after the completion of the Programme of Economic and Financial aid.

The electoral campaign should thus be undertaken with clarity, calmness and dignity.

Instead of following a path of rancour and conflict, political parties should come up with solutions and freely and responsibly discuss their proposals amongst them.

In order that a real discussion over ideas becomes possible, instead of a mere exchange of accusations and outbursts, it is essential that the Portuguese clearly become aware of the Union policies that each party will defend in the European Parliament.

Citizens have the right to be informed and clarified over the several alternatives that each candidate proposes.

Artificial disputes and sterile controversies hinder the Portuguese from being clearly informed and democratic debate. There are European issues that are too severe and relevant to be debated.

A worsening of resentment between political parties can prejudice agreements which may become indispensable in the future.

I call on the Portuguese to take an active part in this campaign and in the following electoral act. Above all, I call upon the Portuguese to become aware of what is at stake in the elections for the European Parliament on 25 May.

Political parties must know how to respond responsibly to such a display of civic responsibility.

A serious and informed debate on Europe and its future is fundamental. Because the future of Europe is the future of Portugal.

Thank you very much.

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The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.