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Speech delivered by the President of the Republic at the informal meeting of Heads of State Held within the Scope of the Arraiolos Procedures
Riga, April 10, 2007

“Europe as a Global Player”
The European Union’s external dimension, relations with Europe’s strategic partners, relations with neighbours of Europe; energy as a new challenge 

Being the first time that I take part in this forum, let me express my deep satisfaction for having the opportunity to exchange views with you on the future of our common European project. I also want to thank President Vike-Freiberga for hosting us in her beautiful capital for what I am sure will be a very productive and fruitful meeting.

We are meeting just a few days after the 50th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome. The fact that we have identified “Europe as a global player” as one of the issues to be discussed today tells us a lot about what was achieved since 1957 and the level of maturity of the European project. There is no better illustration of what I’m saying than the fact that we are discussing it in Riga, as Heads of State of free countries, members of the same European project.

I am the first to acknowledge Europe is confronted with difficult challenges. There is nothing new about that. When Portugal acceded to the EU, I was Prime Minister of my country. The word most quoted at the time was “eurosclerosis”. I don’t need to recall what happened since then, the immense progress we made. That was possible because confidence was there. The same confidence that had led us to join the Union. Confidence that Europe, that working together, that sharing our sovereignty was the best response to the challenges of the day.

I believe that Europe is still the best answer to the challenges of today. I don’t see any of our countries, no matter how big, how rich, being better served by going it alone. I believe we have to send a clear message to our citizens: we know the problems and the challenges, but we feel confident in the European project, we are committed to Europe, we want to turn challenges into opportunities. Confidence is the word. We all know it is not possible to mobilize anyone with doubts and fear. Europe needs confidence, our citizens need confidence.

This leads me to our theme, because for Europe to be a global player, it needs to be confident.

Europe as a global player was already in the mind of the founding fathers. A Union of democratic countries determined to boost economic and social development to the benefit of its citizens, cemented by political, social and economic solidarity and cohesion, able to project its own values and to contribute to peace and security in the world.

Past achievements are impressive and ensure Europe is already a global player in many areas. But we need to do more. We have to increase our internal competitiveness, to ensure economic and social growth, to invest in education, innovation and technological development, fully implementing the internal market and the Lisbon Strategy. Those are, after all, part of our European citizens’ concerns, which should guide us at all times. Efficient policies to deal with climate changes and energy resources, migration, diseases and security will project the European Union in the world, will foster Europeans trust and confidence in our integration project.

To be more effective and more competitive, the European Union needs to adjust its institutional foundations to today’s reality. The setback caused by the Dutch and French referenda should not undermine our convictions. It should strengthen our commitment towards a consensual solution, that promotes the confidence of our citizens in the European project.

A global player thinks globally and acts globally. Our agenda clearly shows what should be our main external tasks and priorities.

First of all, let me refer to Africa, as a good example of how the European Union can benefit from the direct impact of fomenting stability and development. Helping to fight endemic causes of poverty, stimulating economic and social development will diminish the effect of those tragedies in our own territory. Africa has a geo-strategic interest for us and we should act accordingly. We need to talk with Africa instead of merely talk about Africa. That is what many others are already doing. That is why a II EU-Africa Summit is so important. Africa is not a distant reality. Africa is a neighbour.

Peace and stability in our own borders is undoubtedly the best achievement of the last decades. But it can not be taken for granted. The EU must continue to promote stability, security and development in neighbouring regions. The European Neighbourhood Policy is a valid instrument to assist our eastern and southern neighbours. Special attention should be paid to the Mediterranean countries. By promoting political dialogue and social and economic development it will help the Mediterranean countries to fight radicalism and terrorism, thus furthering stability in our own borders.

Latin America opens the perspective for intense and mutually advantageous relations. Europe is viewed there as a model. It is in Europe’s interest to have a Latin America that is democratic, stable and dynamic both in economic and social terms. This will only come with closer links, more intense political dialogue, and more economic exchanges. We should continue to search for an agreement with Mercosur and we should extend to Brazil the level of relations we have with the other members of the so-called BRIC.

The Transatlantic Link is of utmost importance for the EU, for the US and for the entire world. Europe should not define itself against the US. Or against anyone, for the sake of it. Europe should assert itself on the basis of its own merits. Divergences will always exist and sometimes they will be difficult to overcome but we should not allow them to endanger a community of values that is absolutely essential for us to preserve. That is why the New Economic Transatlantic Partnership is so important.

China, India, Japan and Russia are also strategic partners. They are important actors of globalization and in the case of Russia, a neighbour whose actions and policies very often have a direct and immediate impact in Europe.

The emergence of China and India as economic global powers should be seen as an opportunity for us. Poverty is being alleviated as we have always wanted; a large middle class is emerging; a huge market is developing at an incredible speed. We should aim for open markets and fair competition. We should offer them open markets and fair competition. Summits with these countries scheduled to take place in the next few months are a big opportunity. I hope we will be able to seize it.

A credible international player needs to have the ability to contribute to peace and stability. The strengthening of the European civil and military capabilities enabling the EU to act when and where deemed necessary is essential to affirm a sound and respected European voice in the world. The European Union’s missions in Bosnia, in Lebanon or in Africa are also successful examples of our commitment to peace and stability.

A global player needs to think ahead, finding answers to new and diverse challenges. The EU’s strategy towards climate protection and renewable energies shows a true global player attitude, capable of vision and conviction, in the fight to protect and safeguard our planet and future generations.

Challenges ahead are huge and require a global and coordinated answer. The best way to address them is through a strong multilateral approach. The European Union must continue to promote multilateralism. It increases its own ability to model and influence decisions, and contributes to the projection of its role in the international arena.

The Union has to act as… a Union. It is not always easy. It is in some cases a “learn as we go” process. I can even imagine some situations where not all of us will be willing to join, while not standing in the way of the others. There is nothing dramatic about that. I believe that with good faith and strong commitment from all, Europe will have a stronger voice and we will all benefit from that.

Portugal will assume the Presidency of the European Council next July 1st. Based on the Presidency Trio Programme, my country will do its utmost to pursue the priorities that we have set out. I trust we will succeed. I am confident that Europe will succeed.

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The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.