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Comemorações do Dia de Portugal, de Camões e das Comunidades Portuguesas
Comemorações do Dia de Portugal, de Camões e das Comunidades Portuguesas
Lamego, 9 de junho de 2015 see more: Comemorações do Dia de Portugal, de Camões e das Comunidades Portuguesas


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Speech addressed by the President of the Portuguese Republic on the occasion of the Concert and Reception in honour of the Portuguese Community resident in the Principality of Andorra
Andorra la Vella, 6 March 2010

Honourable Representatives of the Co-Princes
Prime Minister
Deputy General Trustee
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Honourable Authorities
Dear Countrymen,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please allow me to start by noting the honourable presence amongst us of the representative of the Co - Princes of Andorra, of the illustrious members of the Government and remaining authorities of the Principality , whom I would like to thank for the magnificent hospitality with which we have been received by the authorities and the People of Andorra.

A hospitality which I view as an expression of esteem for Portugal and for the Portuguese who reside and work here.

I have made it a habit to spend the anniversaries of my being invested as President of the Republic in the company of Portuguese residents abroad. This was the case in previous years, in Luxembourg, in Brazil and in Germany.

This year, I wanted to visit the Portuguese in the Principality of Andorra, as a sign of solidarity with you all, starting with the families of those who left us following the tragic events which marked the life of the Community last November.

A sign of solidarity, but also of deep recognition for the support provided by the Andorran Authorities to whom I want to express, here, on behalf of Portugal, our enormous gratitude.

The way in which the Portuguese community in Andorra knew how to face those hours of mourning and anguish was an example to all the Portuguese. While recalling it, I want to pay tribute to the spirit of forbearance and solidarity which are given proof, every day, by so many of our countrymen, in the fight against adversity with which they are faced, in this country, throughout the world, and even in Portugal, as was the case, just a few days ago, in the Island of Madeira.

To know how to face adversity with greatness of mind and with the will to turn weaknesses into strengths is to honour all that throughout the centuries made us a great Nation and a great People.

Dear Fellow Citizens,

It is with great satisfaction and pride that I listen to the words of appreciation with which the Andorran Authorities always refer to the Portuguese Community, and the recognition you merit for your contribution to the progress and development of this country.

Integration into Andorran life is the best way to defend your interests and to project the image of Portugal. I am well aware that the success of this integration is not possible without the involvement of the Portuguese authorities, dialoguing with our Andorran friends in the search for answers to fulfil your needs.

In what concerns me, I want to assure you that I will do all in my power to guarantee that your wishes and ambitions are heard and taken into consideration.

One of the means of assertion of the Portuguese Community is its entrepreneurial activity, which represents a significant portion of the Andorran entrepreneurial fabric, guaranteeing employment to a large number of residents in this country. This we must promote and, in this sense, I intended that the programme of my visit should include an Encounter that would allow the Portuguese entrepreneurs in Andorra to express their opinions, their anxieties and their ambitions.

Another area which I consider of great importance for the success of integration is education. It is fundamental that our Communities abroad invest in education and training: such investments are more than ever decisive in the competitive world in which we live.

Within this picture, I wanted to call particular attention to the importance of teaching Portuguese. I have done so in political meetings I attended, but also in that, which I recall with much pleasure, with the students and teachers of Portuguese.

Language is an extremely important factor of identification with our Country and with our origins. It is our duty to guarantee that the coming generations have available the conditions they need to learn and practice. A duty which is the responsibility of the official bodies, but which continues in your homes and in your lives.

My appeal is, thus, that you speak Portuguese with your children. Tell them about our land, our traditions, our History of an almost millenary nation. Remind them as well, that Portuguese is the third most spoken European idiom in the world, the official language of eight States and of a Chinese Territory, shared by more than 250 million people in the five continents. A language which grows daily in its international projection. There are more and more foreigners eager to learn it, since knowledge of Portuguese is an important trump in today’s world.

My programme will also include, tomorrow, a meeting with your associative structures. It will be a further opportunity to become acquainted with your projects, your ambitions and your needs.

Following this, the programme will end with a tribute paid to our countrymen who died last November, a tribute that the Andorran Authorities, in a gesture that greatly moves me, wished should be held during this visit.

Dear Fellow Citizens,

We are living particularly difficult times due to the grievous economic and financial crisis suffered in the World. Portugal is no exception. I have endeavoured to become familiarized with the effects of the crisis in the life of our communities and know that they have also been felt in Andorra.

I want to bring you a word of hope, of confidence and of encouragement.

But I also leave you an appeal. Our communities abroad are fundamental for the projection of the image of our country. Your collaboration is absolutely necessary to make known Portuguese products and services, to energize investment and to promote our land as a tourist destination of excellence.

We are all aware that the contribution of our emigrants has always been of great importance for the Portuguese economy. The future of Portugal is our responsibility and I know that Portugal can always count on you..

Lastly, I want to reiterate my firm commitment to continue to do all that is within my reach in order that the Portuguese residing abroad and the Luso-descendants may increase their civic and political participation and strengthen the bonds that link them to Portugal.

I beg all of you never to forget Portugal, our land, your land, that land where it all started.

Thank you very much.

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