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Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas
Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas
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Speech addressed by the President of the Portuguese Republic on the occasion of the Banquet held in his honour and that of Mrs. Cavaco Silva hosted by the President of the Republic of Poland and Mrs. Lech Kaczynski
Warsaw, 2 September 2008

Mister President, Excellency,
Madam Maria Kaczynska,
Honourable Authorities,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I want to express my deepest gratitude for the kind words that Your Excellency, Mister President, has seen fit to address me and for the welcome with which I have been awarded, as well as my wife and the deputation which accompanied us.

It was with great pleasure that I accepted the invitation that Your Excellency addressed me to visit Poland, a Country which is a partner and a friend. A Country which knew how to face the challenges of democratic consolidation, of economic and social development and occupied its seat in the European Union and in the Atlantic Alliance, for which Your Excellency much contributed.

A Country with which Portugal is linked by political, economic and trading bonds which go back to the beginning of our maritime epic. Bonds which were spoken of by great names of our two countries, such as Glogow, Miechow, Copernicus, or Damião de Gois.

Portugal stood beside Poland in the 1863-64 insurrection, in the proclamation of independence in 1918, headed by Marshal Pilsudski – who lived, moreover, in Madeira Island for some time – or in supporting its fight for freedom and for Euro-Atlantic integration, certain that there is not, neither will ever be, a Europe without a Poland.

More recently, it would adopt as its own John Paul II, the Pope whose links to Portugal, to the Portuguese and to Fatima are, for us, a motive for pride and happiness.

John Paul II stamped our hearts, but also our times. The current Europe would not be the same without his historic appeal to “end the borders”, such as the success of the Europe of the future depends upon our capacity for “having no fear”, as he asked from us.

Mister President,

This proximity greatly contributed towards the excellent political relationship enjoyed by our two countries. A relationship to which the common membership of the European Union and NATO brought new opportunities for development.

Our desire for a true European integration is well reflected in initiatives which recently allowed to open the Schengen area to the new Member States of the EU, in how we exercise our Presidencies of the Council of the European Union, in our endeavours on behalf of the Policy of Social Cohesion, in the development of the Lisbon Strategy and in the conclusion of the Treaty of Lisbon.

We live in a time – and recent events show it to advantage – that demands a stronger Europe, more agile and more cohesive, better capable to assert its voice in the international scene, and to answer the expectations of its people. These are the aims of the Treaty of Lisbon, which reflects an effort of compromise between 27 sovereign States. I wish, moreover, to take advantage of this occasion to enhance and thank Your Excellency, Mister President, for your role in the achievement of this result.

I am certain that we share the same European ideals and values, that our objectives are similar. The massive support of the Polish people for European integration is revealing of a confident Nation, which wishes to actively and dynamically contribute towards the European project.

Moreover, for whoever knows the History of Poland and visits this country, it is easy to understand its attachment to sovereignty, which has cost it so much, but also the value of reconciliation, symbolized by the European Union.

Mister President,

Portugal is involved in the reformulation of its paradigm of development, investing in human qualification, innovation and sustainable development, with results already shown in the Exhibition we opened today. The privileged bonds it has in the five continents, especially with the Portuguese speaking countries, make it a natural partner to penetrate those markets.

Poland, on the other hand, is a stable country, with appreciable growth rates. Its geographical location, the qualification of its human resources, the size of its market and the vocation to serve as a platform for geographically neighbouring markets, are inestimable attributes.

It is thus necessary to rapidly intensify our economic and trading relationship, answering, with dynamism and capacity for initiative, the challenges and opportunities.

I have with me a relevant deputation of Portuguese entrepreneurs. Many of them already have businesses running in Poland, and wish to consolidate their success in this country. Others are looking for investment opportunities, or to make known their products and their services. I am certain that the contacts held with Polish entrepreneurs and authorities will allow the identification of new opportunities for investment and trade.

But the success of cooperation between the two countries is also dependent upon the mutual knowledge of the respective geographic, human and cultural realities.

I am thus extremely pleased to register the increase in bilateral tourist flows, the setting up of a Chair in Portuguese in the University of Krakow, to which I will be associated, and of a course in Slavic languages in the University of Lisbon.

Mister President,

My visit to Poland is a moment to celebrate what brings us nearer and the belief in the future of our relations. It is with this spirit that I ask you all to join me in a toast to the health of President Lech Kaczynski and his wife, to the friendly People of Poland and to the prosperity of the relations between our two countries.

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You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.