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Visita ao Centro de Formação  da Escola da Guarda (GNR)
Visita ao Centro de Formação da Escola da Guarda (GNR)
Portalegre, 11 de fevereiro de 2016 see more: Visita ao Centro de Formação  da Escola da Guarda (GNR)



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Speech by the President of the Republic upon his visit to the County of Estremoz
Estremoz, 10 November 2014

I am very pleased to visit the city of Estremoz today, throughout centuries a rampart in the country’s defence, the “notable village”, not just devoted to war, but where peace was also guaranteed.

I began my visit, precisely, in the Convent of S. Francisco, the quarters of No. 3 Cavalry Regiment – the Olivença Dragoons – the oldest unit of the Portuguese Army.

I wanted, as such, to show the recognition of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and of our Nation to this unit, who was always on the front line in the defence of our country.

Soldiers from this unit were present in decisive moments of our history. From the Peninsular War, to the Great War and to the Overseas War, and also on 25 April 1974, with a detachment that was essential to the success of the revolution that gave us back our freedom.

The military institution, so often the target of unjustified and hasty criticism, has been, is now and will always be ready to defend national sovereignty and to represent the national colours when such is required by international commitments.

The No. 3 Cavalry Regiment is very especially identifiable with Estremoz and I had the opportunity to check today, how, in addition with complying with its military mission, it makes itself useful to the community.

I congratulate you, Mister Mayor, for your drive in deepening the relationship between the City and the regiment.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I visited a short while ago the beautiful Wine Cellar of young Tiago Cabaço, an entrepreneur whose vision and creativity remarkably allies innovation, design and marketing to the production and promotion of his wines.

We are looking at a representative of a new generation of Alentejo producers, who have known how to provide new experiences and create new tastes which, in very few years, have already obtained prizes on several occasions.

Tiago Cabaço, particularly, knows how to carry out an essential item: promoting his product. In effect, it is always necessary that the product has great quality. But this is not enough: in a heavily competitive market, it is indispensable that the product is properly promoted.

The main producers are nowadays well aware that wine is a component of a business that provides employment for an ever growing number of Portuguese and which is a powerful factor for development.

Wine tourism is now a growing reality and the larger wine cellars attract an ever greater number of people with proposals that include visits, wine tasting and local gastronomy, in addition to other activities.

And local authorities are well aware that their cooperation helps to transform what once was a traditional activity into a focal point of local development that cannot be ignored or considered as secondary.

I congratulate Tiago Cabaço on his initiative, on his vision and on the merits he has already shown, hoping that others may follow his example, not just in the area of wine but in other fields of business, taking the best possible advantage of community funds that, in this multiannual framework, are devoted to support companies and to job creation.

Mister Mayor,

The invitation you sent me to visit Estremoz mentioned this Palace of the Marquisate of Praia and Monforte.

I congratulate you for the refurbishment of this City Heritage, returned to the people as a cultural area, and hope that it may once again become a privileged meeting area for the Estremoz population.

To defend Estremoz is also to defend the more characteristic values of our Country. I would thus state that, in addition to the marble that is such an enormous source of wealth for the County and for the region, the Estremoz Dolls must be safeguarded and become relevant as a symbol of this City.

I had the opportunity to contact the artisans and to view the different stages in the makeup of the Estremoz Dolls, a legacy from our ancestors that is the trade mark of this land.

I recall that, in the beginnings of the last century, the Dolls were almost lost forever. It is the responsibility of all the people of Estremoz to do all in their power in order that the risk of losing this tradition is not run again and that the Dolls must last as an unique artistic and symbolic expression.

The unformed clay, brought out of the ground, modelled by the hands of talented men and women, is transformed in a thing that is either useful or beautiful.

At the end of this my visit to Estremoz County, I leave with the clear conviction that valuable traditions must be preserved, but that the capability to improve, to innovate, to create and to overcome difficulties also depends from us.

Thank you very much.

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