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Speech by the President of the Portuguese Republic at the Opening Ceremony of the Economic Seminar between Portuguese and Chinese Companies
Shanghai, People's Republic of China, 14 May 2014

It is with great pleasure that I am participating in the opening of this business seminar in Shanghai. I am aware that various bilateral meetings and activities of a sectoral nature have already taken place and that the expectations are very positive.

I would therefore like to thank especially the AICEP and the CCPIT (China Council for the Promotion of International Trade), for organising these meetings that are an important arena for dialogue, promotion and an incentive for creating partnerships and investment opportunities between China and Portugal.

I welcome and thank all the participants for their presence.

Contacts between Portugal and China date back over five centuries, always characterized by a constructive understanding. Two geographically distant countries, but which throughout their History have been able to find links and establish mutually beneficial alliances.

The recent and very positive development of investment, economic and business relations between our two countries have shown the complementary nature of our economies and the convergence of our respective strategic interests in the international markets.

Today Portugal is an important Atlantic gateway into Europe. The port of Sines is the first European deep-water port on the axis of routes from the east, whether they come via Africa or through the Panama Canal.

In addition to the arena of the European Union, of which it is a full member, and its proximity and good relations with the countries of North Africa, Portugal has special ties with Sub-Saharan Africa – where countries such as Angola and Mozambique speak Portuguese and maintain strong political, economic and cultural connections with our country. In South America, furthermore, our friendly links with Brazil and our easy relations with the countries of the Atlantic Axis are well known.

Today, the Portuguese productive fabric embraces a vast range of industrial activities and competitive services on a global scale. Many of the Portuguese companies present here operate in international markets, in the most diverse sectors. They intend to expand and develop their businesses, whether in China or in partnership with local counterparts, in other countries.

It should also be noted that important Chinese investments have been carried out in Portugal in recent years, associated with the privatisation of some structural sectors of the Portuguese economy. These investments have given a significant boost to the bilateral economic relationship. At the same time, they have allowed Chinese investors to gain a first hand understanding of the current state of the Portuguese economy, of the business environment that prevails there and of the potential for new partnerships.

With these investments, a new chapter has opened in the history of the relationship between our countries. I hope that my State Visit to the People’s Republic of China will be a renewed stimulus for continuing to invest, to diversify business in Portugal and, in the process, to establish partnerships with Portuguese companies, and invest in the advantages that Portugal has to offer and the export opportunities that have opened up.

Following the international financial crisis of 2008, Portugal committed itself to an ambitious and comprehensive programme of economic, financial and budgetary adjustment. Exactly three years after its implementation and now in its concluding phase, there are two points that I would like to highlight. First, the vast majority of established objectives and proposed measures were completed and implemented; and second, the fiscal adjustment and structural changes in the Portuguese economy were very significant. Portugal will live up to its commitments.

The results of implementing the programme are now beginning to appear and boost domestic confidence, a situation whose value both our partners and the markets have recognized.

The signs of the last twelve months have been very encouraging indeed. Since the 2nd quarter of 2013, the Portuguese economy has been growing. Unemployment has fallen. In foreign markets, Portuguese companies have shown a remarkable ability to adapt, and continue to gain market shares, especially outside Europe. Currently, exports now account for 40 percent of GDP, compared to about 30 percent in 2010. The balance of our external accounts was positive in 2013, a tendency that will be consolidated this year.

Since mid-2013, the interest rates on Portuguese government debt in international markets have been declining significantly. The interest rates on 10-year bonds are now around 3,5 per cent.

Reforms are underway in the areas of labour relations, justice, licensing and corporate taxation. We want to provide a stable and attractive business environment to those investing in Portugal and we are working towards this.

Portugal also benefits from an interesting new European programme to support investment, especially aimed at SMEs and at strengthening innovation and competitiveness.

Portugal now has a new generation of companies, with strong entrepreneurial, innovative and technological capabilities. Many are developing products and services aimed at new segments in demand on the world market.

The areas of management technologies, environmental rehabilitation, planning, urban enhancement and urban management, as well as energy efficiency and infrastructure, which are essential foundations for the development of new business, are areas where Portuguese companies have already proven themselves worldwide.

Also within traditional industries, such as footwear, furniture, agro-food and wines, Portuguese companies, which have a vast accumulated experience, have been able to reinvent themselves, gaining a strong commercial position in international markets.

A word should be said about the tourism sector, where Portugal is a destination of recognized quality. The ever-present sunshine and light, the pleasant weather, hospitality and safety, along with an extensive coastline of outstanding beauty, are strong points that our tourism has to offer.

On top of all this add, a large accommodation capacity, supported by a quality network of health support, fine cuisine and excellent golf courses, which are worth getting to know and enjoy. In particular, it is noted that, in recent years, many Chinese citizens have sought to visit or settle in Portugal.

Portugal has special conditions to be a prime location among the investment options taking shape in Europe. I sincerely hope that the Chinese entrepreneurs continue, increasingly, to look at Portugal as an excellent opportunity for investment and building partnerships.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The business delegation accompanying me is representative of all the sectors mentioned. We have among us many of the best and most modern Portuguese companies and they have all demonstrated great commitment to finding partnerships in this market.

In an increasingly complex and demanding World, only with the highest standards of corporate management and skilled labour will we be able to achieve sustainable gains in competitiveness and market share. And in many cases, only through partnerships of mutual interest can these objectives be met.

I am very pleased with the reception we have received, with the interest that this State Visit to the People's Republic of China has raised, and with care with which the business activities were prepared and have been conducted.

I firmly believe that the various initiatives that have been undertaken will bring positive results for both parties, strengthening economic cooperation and business ties, but also the understanding and friendship between China and Portugal.

I wish you, therefore, successful endeavours!

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