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Speech by the President of the Republic at the celebrations of the 90th anniversary of Nestlé Portugal
Avanca, Estarreja, 10 March 2014

I was very pleased to accept the invitation to come to Avanca, to attend the closure of the celebrations of Nestlé Portugal’s ninetieth anniversary.

Nestlé is well known to the Portuguese.

Either for the excellence or for the variety of its products, it has long been a reference in the agro-foodstuff sector, in Portugal as well as in the whole world.

Due to its active approach in the expansion of its products and business, it is evident that it has carried this out with competence and great success.

And success, as well as seniority, deserves being celebrated. And these deserve being celebrated because they are the result of much work, great dedication and ample investment. And, in this case, equally of large scale research and innovation.

Success and return are the logic consequence of all these components that Nestlé has been able to bring together, in Portugal, and in many other worldwide locations.

Nestlé’s milk baby foods, which I believe were the first of its products available in Portugal, had such a great success with Portuguese consumers, that it was frequently heard of one or another beautiful baby it had a “Baby Nestlé” face.

Currently, after a 90 year period, the variety of food products that this company produces and markets in Portugal is really impressive.

With its baby foods, cereals, chocolates, water and soft drinks, coffees, ice cream, yoghurt desserts, a large variety of culinary products, and even animal foodstuffs, Nestlé has kept at the top of the food sector in Portugal.

The history and the development of Nestlé in Portugal have, in effect, been notable.

Notable, to start with, due to the fact that, in 1923, its source was here, in Avanca, through the Sociedade de Produtos Lácteos, the first Portuguese milk powder factory which had as its main entrepreneur Professor Egas Moniz, the notable Portuguese physician, researcher, politician, ambassador and author who, in 1949, honoured Portugal by being awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine.

Since 1923 until now, Nestlé’s growth in Portugal has been ongoing, and some of its products real references in our lives, in the lives and memories of several generations of Portuguese.

Even the eldest amongst us will remember Maggi soups, Rajá chocolates, Sical coffee, Nesquik, Mokambo, Milo, Cerelac, Nestum and so many other products, many of which are still available in the stalls of our markets.

On the other hand, the very positive fact that needs emphasizing is that Nestlé procures more than 80% of its raw materials in Portugal.

For many reasons, not just due to the excellence of its products but also due to the many facilities that Nestlé has installed throughout the country, and the way the company has exercised its social and environmental responsibilities, its image is recognized and valued by the Portuguese consumers and is one of the most reputable in the food sector.

Finally, I record with great fulfilment Nestlé’s contribution in terms of employment, with its current 1850 employees. And I record with still greater satisfaction its commitment to create until 2016 500 more jobs for under 30s.

It is in fact very important, above all in the current situation Portugal is going through, that companies such as Nestlé significantly contribute to create employment and place their stake on Portugal, not only in the domestic market but also in exports, thus doubly contributing towards the national economy.

For all I have just stated, I cannot but greet you all, responsible managers and all Nestlé’s employees, and to congratulate you on one more anniversary of your Company.

My congratulations to you all.

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The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.