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Visita ao Hospital das Forças Armadas
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Speech by the President of the Republic at the Reception to the Portuguese Community in Sweden
Stockholm, Sweden, 2 October 2013

Dear Fellow Citizens,

I want to address you a very affectionate message, evidencing my very deep regard for this Portuguese Community in Sweden.

Allow me to start by signalling the great honour awarded us by the presence of Their Majesties the Monarchs of Sweden, of the illustrious members of the Royal Entourage, of the Government and other Swedish authorities and by the magnificent hospitality with which we have been welcomed. A hospitality that I also regard as an expression of appraisal for Portugal and for the Portuguese who live and work here.

Whenever I travel abroad I make it a point to include contacts with the Portuguese Communities residing in the countries visited. It is not just the imperative carrying out of a duty of the President of the Republic, representing all the Portuguese, but also to bring about a personal wish. I want to manifest to each Community, and particularly to each and every one of its members, the Country’s consideration and interest for its Diaspora, and its gratefulness for the much they have achieved on Portugal’s behalf.

To value the role of the Portuguese Communities and to be available to hear the views of my fellow citizens that live abroad was a commitment that I deliberately assumed since the first day of my mandate as President of the Republic.

It is my belief that Portugal cannot lose the asset that in some way or another it has brought to the several continents – the cultural and spiritual heritage but, above all, the human asset.

We are still going through particularly difficult moments due to the grievous economic and financial crisis that downed on the World in 2008.

This is, as we are well aware, a time of great challenges, both for Portugal and for the whole of Europe. The financial crisis of the Euro Zone has exposed structural weaknesses and imbalances in the economies of several Member States, and has equally made clear the difficulties of the European institutions in providing adequate and timely answers to an unprecedented situation.

Important decisions have been taken and European instruments have been adopted to strengthen the system of economic governance and financial stability, and to reinforce confidence in the single currency. But, as I have severally underlined, there is much more to be done at European level to promote economic growth and employment.

Portugal has been carrying out a relevant effort in macroeconomic and financial adjustment and has complied with the international commitments it has assumed. We have equally pursued an ambitious and demanding programme of structural reform, intended to increase the flexibility and competitive capability of our economy.

You will thus not find it odd that, especially in the current context, I appeal to all those present to contribute towards this objective to relaunch Portuguese economy and fight unemployment. Due to your eminent characteristics, you have a special duty to equally serve as diplomats of the real Portugal and to evidence our Country’s potential, contributing to our overcoming current adversities as best as possible.

In the projection of a positive external image, politicians have a naturally relevant role. But the truth is that we are facing a collective task, which has to be driven by all of us and in which, after all, you have a privileged role, in this friendly country that is Sweden. Portugal counts upon you.

I took the decision to decorate a few members of this Portuguese Community in Sweden, as a token of recognition for their merit and for the contribution they are already providing in this effort for the projection of the real Portugal, as bearers of a positive image of our Country.

I do not want to end before reiterating my firm commitment to continue doing all in my power in order that Portuguese who reside abroad and Portuguese descendants may increase their civic and political participation and strengthen the bonds that link them to Portugal.

I wish you all the best of professional and personal success. Do not forget Portugal, our country, your country.

Thank you very much.

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You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.