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Speech by the President of the Republic at the Award Ceremony of the 2012 António Champalimaud Vision Prize
Lisbon, 14 September 2012

It has been my great pleasure to have presided at the award of the Champalimaud Vision Prize since its very first inception, in 2007.

As President of the Republic I have to underline, whenever possible, the example that António Champalimaud bequeathed Portugal.

Endowed with an extraordinary entrepreneurial spirit, António Champalimaud demonstrated, throughout his enterprising life, a rare capacity to overcome current obstacles and to anticipate the possibilities of the future. He consummated his life bequeathing Portugal a Foundation dedicated to the study and research in the field of health.

Thanks to the leadership of Dr. Leonor Beleza, whom I warmly salute, the Champalimaud Foundation imposed itself, since its inception, as a universally top level institution. The work that is carried out here is not limited to serve the Portuguese, but the whole of Humanity.

The way in which it was conceived and made operational is a perfect reflection of its founder’s achievements. António Champalimaud was always ahead of his time, and for this was often misunderstood. He left his Country, but later returned, since Portugal was the reason for his non-conformity. He never conformed to mediocrity. His ambitions were to provide his Country, which he never renounced, with as much as he could and with best available.

He could have doubtlessly chosen another location, where he would surely find the space and the opportunity to make his ambition come to fruition. But it was to his Country, to the Country of his parents, the he wanted to bequeath a Foundation that has one sole purpose: the improvement in the welfare of human beings.

This is an admirable example, which should be taken as a model and a source of inspiration. I am well aware that, contrary to what happens in other countries, philanthropic tradition is not fully rooted amongst us. And it is exactly this that, on the one hand, makes the Champalimaud Foundation unique and, on the other, turns it into a model that should be followed by others. Wealth only makes sense if placed at the service of common welfare. Only thus does it dignify its holders.

In a world stamped by so many needs, in a country that is going through such difficult times, the values of humanism and solidarity must be rediscovered. Each one is bound to others, above all when it is in effect possible to bring a change to a world where we live with situations that, as human beings, we cannot ignore.

Throughout these years the work achieved by the Champalimaud Foundation shows that this institution is no longer a dream or even a promise. It’s a living reality, palpable, which has already improved the life of thousands of beings.

Equally this year, the Champalimaud Vision Prize distinguishes two projects that improve the life of thousands of beings.

The jury for this Prize, which I salute for the excellence of its work and for its universal prestige, decided to distinguish two new means of approach and visualization of the retina: Optical Coherence Tomography and Adaptive Optics.

The technologies that were awarded prizes will deeply change ophthalmology practice and the understanding of ocular ageing. We are, I believe, facing significant technological advance at the level of capturing retina images and consequent future application to clinical practice. A progress that will contribute towards a more rigorous and enlarged diagnosis of ocular pathologies and towards an improved clinical treatment of vision problems and other ailments.

Once again, the Champalimaud Foundation has kept faithful to the principles that stimulated its founder: dynamism, innovation, the cult of excellence, the universal humanism.

It is with pride and renewed satisfaction that I am here today, once again, in the award ceremony of the Champalimaud Prize. My presence signals all of Portugal’s gratitude for the philanthropic example of the founder of this institution and for the work developed by its President and her team.

To all who work in this Foundation, a word of deep appreciation.

To those distinguished with the 2012 Champalimaud Prize, my congratulations, certain that this Prize does not reward just what they have achieved, but is a decisive stimulus to deepen your research still further. What you have done will benefit the whole of Humanity. And this is where the fascination and wonder of Science resides. Thousands of human beings will benefit from the work of people whose names they will probably never learn. It is thus our duty to distinguish these names, praise their work, and reward their effort. To those that conquered this prize, amongst so many candidacies with the highest of merit, I express my deep admiration and wish for the greatest of success in your future work.

Thank you very much.

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