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Visita às salinas
Visita às salinas
Rio Maior, 3 de fevereiro de 2016 see more: Visita às salinas



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Speech delivered by the President of the Republic on the occasion of the Commemorative Dinner for the 99th Anniversary of the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce in Brazil
São Paulo, Brazil, 27 October 2011

I am always extremely pleased to be able to return to São Paulo, this metropolis that so well reflects the dynamics and the creativity that characterize the exuberant reality of contemporary Brazil.

The satisfaction is greater still when this return allows me to celebrate with you another anniversary of the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce in Brazil and render tribute to all those who, in the past and in current times, with their drive and their visionary action, were able to transform this Chamber in a project with a future.

A project with a future because it was able to become adapted to the developments brought about by time and circumstances and is, today, a notable instance of the capability to congregate the wills of all – Brazilians and Portuguese, those who have been here for a long time or those that arrived later – on behalf of the strengthening of the economic relations between Portugal and Brazil.

I want, before anything else, to thank you, Mister President, as well as all the members of the Chamber, for having made possible the changes in the programme for the commemoration of this anniversary that allowed me to be here, tonight
I equally want to express my thanks, and feel very touched, for the honour with which the Chamber wished to distinguish me, this year. This distinction, for which I feel very honoured, is an incentive that strengthens my determination to continue working towards the approximation between Portugal and Brazil, for the strengthening of the relations between the two countries, specifically in the economic area.

I have always singled out that the bonds that link Portugal and Brazil are a valuable strategic asset for both countries. I believe that this value is, today, still more evident, in the face of the uncertainties that characterize the current international situation.

No speech is delivered nowadays, that does not underline the opportunities that exist in every crisis. And my belief is that this conclusion is particularly true with respect to the relations between Portugal and Brazil. This period must become a stage for the deepening of our relationship, in all areas, including first of all that of trade exchange and investment.

We shall be jointly celebrating, next year, the Year of Brazil, in Portugal, and the Year of Portugal, in Brazil. I sincerely hope that we will know how to turn that event into the confirmation of a unique relationship between our two countries and the common will to project it into the future, in material actions that can be seen by our fellow countrymen.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The deepening of economic relations between countries implies mutual knowledge of the realities of each of them and of the opportunities that each is able to offer. It is true that the means of communication that exist nowadays allow a flow of information that benefits that knowledge. However, the volume of information is such that it very frequently leads to the retaining of a simplistic view of the reality.

Nobody ignores the difficult times that are being lived in Portugal, resulting from a process of extremely rigorous economic and financial adjustment intended to rectify cumulative macroeconomic unbalances. But the issues that Portugal is facing with courage and determination exist together with extraordinary success stories, which prove the capability for innovation and entrepreneurialism of people whose references of competitiveness are ruled by the highest international standards. They are examples of a dynamic and ambitious Portugal, that is not resigned and that welcomes opportunities. Brazilian companies installed in Portugal are well aware of it.

The fact is that, in Portugal, today, there are companies with a significant size, with a high degree of international coverage, and a new generation of companies and entrepreneurs with a notable enterprising and innovatory capability, who develop products and services for new segments of the world market: in electronics, in information technologies, in renewable energies, in the pharmaceutical industry, in the development of software applications.

This reality comprises a source of opportunities that merits the interest of Brazilian entrepreneurs, especially when Brazil is strengthening the internationalization of its economy. There are several instances already, particularly eloquent, of the results that may be achieved from such an investment in Portugal and of the cooperation between Brazilian and Portuguese companies. I want, in effect, to take the advantage to congratulate the Chairman of the Board of the Camargo Corrêa Company, eng. Barros Franco, to whom this Chamber opportunely decided to attribute the title of Individuality of the Year.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Chambers of Commerce have a fundamental role in the promotion of mutual knowledge and contacts between entrepreneurs, the tool that best allows identifying the opportunities for cooperation and business, And this is what the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce in Brazil has been achieving with magnificent results. And this is, I am certain what it will continue doing, with redoubled drive.

In this day of celebration for the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce in Brazil I would like to express my gratitude to all its members, for the contribution they provide, on a daily basis, towards the consolidation of the present and to the construction of the future of the relationship between Portugal and Brazil. And I can guarantee that, in this effort, they can always count upon my determined support.

It was the poet Pessoa who said “all is worth while if the soul is in style”. He was right and that is why I firmly believe in the future of the joint work of Portuguese and Brazilians. None of us, Portuguese or Brazilian, have souls that are not in style.

Thank you very much.

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