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Cerimónia de agraciamento do Eng. António Guterres
Cerimónia de agraciamento do Eng. António Guterres
Palácio de Belém, 2 de fevereiro de 2016 see more: Cerimónia de agraciamento do Eng. António Guterres



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Message addressed by the President of the Republic concerning the Parliamentary Elections to be held
Belém Palace, 4 June 2011

Good evening.

The electoral campaign for the parliamentary elections has ended.

The several parties had the opportunity to place before the people their ideas and their proposals.

The feeling that in this campaign the essential may not have always been argued and that, very often, the media preferred subordinate issues should not be a motive for us to abstain.

Tomorrow, the Portuguese will be called upon to vote and to elect the members of Parliament.

The Executive that will have the responsibility to govern Portugal for the next four years, in a crucial time for our Country, will result from the make up of the new Parliament.

In democracy all elections are important.

However, the grievous situation in which the Country finds itself calls for tomorrow’s elections to be particularly decisive.

The moments we are going through are very demanding and call upon the responsibility of us all.

The Portuguese are well aware that their Country is crossing a very deep economical and social crisis.

As everybody knows, and nobody can deny this reality, it was effectively necessary that we asked for external financial aid in order that Portugal could comply with the liabilities with its creditors and to ensure the financing of our economy.

Following the assessment of the Portuguese situation carried out by a tripartite international mission and the commitments assumed by Portugal, the European Union approved the granting of a loan amounting to 78 billion Euros for a period of seven and a half years.

The Government that will result from the elections will have the responsibility of honouring the assumed commitments, which are greatly demanding.

The actions of the new Government, contrary to what is at times being stated, will not be limited to compliance with the memorandum of understanding agreed with the international institutions.

The new Government will have a lot more to decide and carry out, in order to guarantee social justice, economic growth and the fight against unemployment.

As the Portuguese will remember, it was precisely due to the impossibility to generate a governmental solution with the conditions to resolve the Country’s grievous situation that Parliament was dissolved.

The people will now have the opportunity to pronounce their sovereign will in order that the necessary governmental solutions required at such times are found.

It is for these reasons that I am appealing to all the Portuguese to exercise their voting rights tomorrow.

In these times of great difficulty, each one of us has the duty to choose, in conscience, the path he wishes for Portugal

The fact that elections are being held at a time of need and of big questions as to what the future has in store is an added reason for each one to state his will and assert who must assume the responsibility of governance.

In democracy the will of the people is sovereign.

It would be difficult to understand that, in a critical moment such as the Country is going through, citizens should abstain from voting and leave others the choice that is essential for all of us.

It would also not be understood abroad that, in this difficult hour, the Portuguese should resign from their own future.

Should you abdicate from voting you shall not have the authority to criticize public policies. Only those who vote may legitimately demand the best from the next government.

Abstaining is running away at a decisive time and from great responsibilities.

Abstaining is not wanting to contribute for a better Country.

Youth, who have declared little interest in politics, must face the results of these elections as decisive for their future.

The new generations must make their voices heard in tomorrow’s elections.

The thousands of unemployed Portuguese must view tomorrow’s elections as a possibility to choose a course for the Country that will bring them the hope for better days. They must exercise their voting rights.

In this day of reflection that precedes the electoral act, I again repeat my appeal to the Portuguese to vote tomorrow.

Our vote, the vote of each one of us, is a decisive step in the direction of a better future for Portugal.

Good evening.

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