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Comemorações do Dia de Portugal, de Camões e das Comunidades Portuguesas
Comemorações do Dia de Portugal, de Camões e das Comunidades Portuguesas
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Speech delivered by the President of the Republic on the occasion of the Celebrations of the 140th anniversary of the granting of a City Charter to Covilhã
Covilhã, 20 October 2010

Mayor of Covilhã,
Speaker of the Municipal Assembly,
Civil Governor of the district of Castelo Branco,
Reverend Bishop of Guarda,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

If we are meeting today in this Noble Hall to celebrate the 140 years of the granting of a City Charter to Covilhã, an act that the Municipality properly decided to undertake, we must recall that the History of the site where we are meeting is really very much older.

The toponymy of Covilhã has a legendary origin that goes back to the ages of the Moors and the Goths. Others attribute the name to the activities that were carried out in the surrounding mountain pastures. Covilhã would have originally been known as «Covil da Lã» («Lair of Wool») and only with the passing of centuries did it gain the name by which it is known today.

The Wool and the Snow, to recall the title of the undying work of Ferreira de Castro, are also two distinctive markers of this region. In their paleness, wool and snow are equally signs of the purity of the people who live here, Portuguese men and women who honour their word, citizens who prize their personality, to whom truth is above all else.

One hundred and forty years ago, Dom Luís granted Covilhã a City Charter and, for this reason, we will pay tribute to the figure of this monarch, who was well remembered by his peers. Ramalho Ortigão recalled his personality, stating that the king was «friendly, kind, liberal, and generous». The contemporary press asserted that his reign was «happy», «sedate», and «prosperous», through «consolidation and consecration of a representative regime». And, in the epoch of Dom Luís, a Coimbra University Law Professor bequeathed an extremely positive judgement: «the King was faithful to the fundamental law of the nation, without abdications of weakness or illegitimate interventions; during his reign there was peace, freedom, prosperity and progress»; as stated by the eminent jurist José Francisco Laranjo.

Fidelity to the Constitution, to the «fundamental law of the nation» is, in fact, the basic principle of good governance. To this Dom Luís attached two essential qualities: firmness in the defence of the constitutional order and no interference in the free contest between party political forces.

The decision to grant a City Charter to Covilhã is another instance of his greatness as Head of State. This decision shows what is essential for all governing authorities: be aware of the Country’s realities and recognize merit where it exists.

This city has no lack of merits, whether in the past or in current times. The presence of the University and of the students, to whom I address my warmest greetings, turns Covilhã into a city of the future and a city of knowledge. The municipality projected the motto «Covilhã – City of Investment», setting up an Office of Economic Activities and Investment.

Advantage is being taken of the numerous natural and human potentials that exist here. Material undertakings are within sight, and the initiative of illustrating the 140 years of the granting of a City Charter with an exhibition of the work that has been carried out here is extremely opportune.

The region was able to tread the paths of innovation and creativity, as I had the occasion to ascertain in February of this year, within the programme of the Route to the Innovatory Local Communities. I visited the manufacturing facilities of a group that knew how to adapt itself to contemporary challenges, exporting more than 80% of its textile production, and a spa hotel that was set up in line with the standards of new tourism: more demanding, more specialized, better qualified. Prior to this I had visited the Science and Technology Park and witnessed the enterprising capability installed therein and the results of the efforts developed by the local authorities in capturing quality entrepreneurial investment.

The municipality was able to ascertain the signs of change that we are obliged to follow nowadays. In 2008, it launched a new image, subject to the motto «Covilhã – a 5 Star City», projecting the centenary city as an ideal area for investment, for leisure activities and to enjoy quality of life.

This latter dimension – people’s quality of life – is, in effect, essential to fight desertification, to settle inhabitants and to attract new residents.

The stake placed in improving people’s quality of life, which is being carried out in medium sized cities, is a decisive component to attract dynamic, active and enterprising young people. Not by chance, several surveys have shown that Covilhã is one of the Portuguese cities with better quality of life. Ultimately, these have shown how correct were the options chosen, revealing that this city is in the trend of the future.

Covilhã is, doubtlessly, a city where it is worth living. Far off are the days of isolation and of the sharpness of the climate. Nowadays, thanks to the new means of communication, to accessibilities, to the dynamics of the people of Covilhã and to the presence of students, the City is now modern, proud of its past but hopeful as to its future. There are good reasons for this. There are reasons to be hopeful. Although 140 years of age, this is a city that does not fear the morrow.

Covilhã is the unquestionable proof that, if we have a vision of the future and the skill to take the right decisions, it is possible to reconcile a notable past and a promissory future. It is a festive day in this city and I am very pleased to enjoy it in your company.

Many years ago, an ancestor of yours, when exiled to Toledo, said «King Philip can put me in Castile, but Castile in me is impossible». These words of Father Heitor Pinto are considered as one of the more eloquent statements of the Portuguese identity.

Covilhã is Portugal and, on behalf of the whole of Portugal, I wanted to share with you the great joy of these celebrations. I warmly salute all the people of Covilhã and congratulate you all for the 140th anniversary of your City.

Thank you.

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