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Cerimónia de despedida das Forças Armadas
Cerimónia de despedida das Forças Armadas
Lisboa, 17 de fevereiro de 2016 see more: Cerimónia de despedida das Forças Armadas


Entrepreneurial cooperation focused in the Presidential visit

Entrepreneurial cooperation focused in the Presidential visit

The President paid homage to the victims of terrorism and took part in a meeting of Spanish and Portuguese entrepreneurs

Two homage ceremonies, one to the Fallen for Spain and the other to the victims of terrorism – in which a musical piece was performed by a soloist of the Gulbenkian choir – and a welcoming session in the Madrid City Hall – where he received the Keys to the City – began the second day’s programme of the State Visit of President Cavaco Silva to our Spanish neighbours.

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President Cavaco Silva continues his visit to Spain

President Cavaco Silva continues his visit to Spain

The President of the Republic received the Head of the Spanish Government and met the Portuguese community

Continuing the first day of his State Visit to Spain, President Cavaco Silva received, in audience, in the Pardo Palace, the Head of the Spanish Government, José Luís Rodriguez Zapatero.

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King of Spain welcomed Portuguese President

King of Spain welcomed Portuguese President

President Cavaco Silva on a State Visit to Spain

The President of the Republic and Mrs. Cavaco Silva started their State Visit to Spain, at the invitation of the Kings of Spain, with a welcoming ceremony in Pardo Palace in Madrid, in the presence of the Spanish sovereigns, D. Juan Carlos and Doña Sofia.

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President concluded the Campaign 2 of the Route to Inclusion in Aveiro

President concluded the Campaign 2 of the Route to Inclusion in Aveiro

President took the debate on child emergency and support for the victims of domestic violence to the District of Aveiro
Continuing on with the 2nd Campaign of the Route to Inclusion, the President of the Republic travelled to the District of Aveiro to see the temporary shelter, family support and parental advice work of an institution which celebrates its 150th anniversary – the Pinto de Carvalho Family Support Centre in Oliveira de Azeméis.
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Campaign 2 of the Route to Inclusion took the President to the North of thee country

Campaign 2 of the Route to Inclusion took the President to the North of thee country

In Valongo President Cavaco Silva began the campaign of the Route to Inclusion dedicated to children at risk and domestic violence
At the beginning of the 2nd Campaign of the Route to Inclusion, dedicated to children at risk and domestic violence, the President of the Republic, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, was in the Valongo Life Support Centre, where he was presented with a programme of support and training for pregnant women.
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President in tribute in Marco de Canaveses

President in tribute in Marco de Canaveses

President of the Republic participated in a major public tribute to the victims of domestic violence
At the end of the first day of the 2nd Campaign of the Route to Inclusion, the President and Dra Maria Cavaco Silva took part in the first major public tribute to the victims of Domestic Violence, promoted by the Town Hall of Marco de Canaveses, and which brought together various artists in a unique installation in the atrium of the local church.
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Air Force received a visit from the President

Air Force received a visit from the President

The President of the Republic visited the Air Force
In his first contact with the Air Force, the President of the Republic visited its General Staff, in Alfragide, later going on to the Air Force Operational Command (COFA), in Monsanto, Lisbon, where he was shown some of the main capabilities of this branch of the Armed Forces.
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Army Rapid Reaction Brigade received a visit from the President

Army Rapid Reaction Brigade received a visit from the President

The President of the Republic visited the Army
In his first contact with the Army, the President of the Republic visited, today, the Army Rapid Reaction Brigade, in Tancos, where he was shown the activities of that branch of the Armed Forces.
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National Day of Portugal celebrated in Porto

National Day of Portugal celebrated in Porto

Commemorations of the National Day of Portugal highlighted by a grand military parade and by the President’s traditional speech
During the National Day of Portugal, Camões and Portuguese Communities, which is celebrated this year in Porto, the President of the Republic addressed a speech to the Armed Forces and assisted to a grandiose parade of the three branches of the armed forces, which took place in Avenida do Brasil / Castelo do Queijo.
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Lisbon Naval Base and Quarters of Marine Fusiliers were visited by the President

Lisbon Naval Base and Quarters of Marine Fusiliers were visited by the President

The President of the Republic visited the Portuguese Navy
In his first contact with the Navy, the President of the Republic visited, today, the Lisbon Naval Base and the Quarters of the Marine Fusiliers, in Alfeite, where he was briefed on the activities of that branch of the Armed Forces.
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© 2006-2016 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic

You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.