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Visita ao Centro de Formação  Profissional de Setúbal,  no âmbito da 6ª jornada do Roteiro para uma Economia Dinâmica dedicada à Educação e Formação Profissional
Visita ao Centro de Formação Profissional de Setúbal, no âmbito da 6ª jornada do Roteiro para uma Economia Dinâmica dedicada à Educação e Formação Profissional
Setúbal, 11 de setembro de 2015 see more: Visita ao Centro de Formação  Profissional de Setúbal,  no âmbito da 6ª jornada do Roteiro para uma Economia Dinâmica dedicada à Educação e Formação Profissional


Support for retarded citizens

Support for retarded citizens

President Cavaco Silva met with institutions that work with retarded persons
The President of the Republic met with the Mayor of Viseu, the Provisioner of the Retarded and with seven institutions which work with retarded persons in the area of the county, thus finalizing the second day of the Route to Inclusiveness dedicated to Retarded Persons.
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Chief of the Armed Forces General Staff took office

Chief of the Armed Forces General Staff took office

Integration of immigrants accompanied by the President

Integration of immigrants accompanied by the President

President of the Republic heard the experiences of immigrants in the region of Greater Lisbon
Completing the 3rd Campaign of the Route to Inclusion, the President and Dr.ª Maria Cavaco Silva got to see projects of social and physical rehabilitation in the Vale da Amoreira neighbourhood, in the district of Moita, participating in the inauguration of the new Local Immigrant Support Centre (CLAI) and in the ceremony for eth signing of a protocol between the Central and Local Government, related with the critical neighbourhood improvement programme.
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President saw successful cases of support for immigrants

President saw successful cases of support for immigrants

Importance of social integration of immigrants stressed by the President
On the second day of the 3rd Campaign of the Route to Inclusion, dedicated to Voluntary Work and Social Exclusion in Urban Environments, the President of the Republic visited School EB 2,3 António Sérgio in Cacém, Sintra, which has the widest diversity of origins of children of immigrants in Portugal and, after that, the project KCity, headed up by the Aga Khan Foundation and which does social work in the council neighbourhoods of Alta de Lisboa, going specifically to the Musgueira Social Centre.
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Work of volunteers accompanied by the President

Work of volunteers accompanied by the President

President Cavaco Silva accompanies work of volunteers with isolated elderly people and female prostitutes
Continuing on the 3rd Campaign of the Route to Inclusion, the President of the Republic and Dr.ª Maria Cavaco Silva visited the Coração Amarelo Association in Lisbon, and accompanied the work of volunteers supporting isolated elderly people, specifically visiting an elderly lady living alone in the centre of the city.
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Campaign 3 of the Route to Inclusion in the region of Greater Lisbon

Campaign 3 of the Route to Inclusion in the region of Greater Lisbon

In Lisbon President of the Republic began the Route to Inclusion dedicated to voluntary work and social exclusion in Urban Environments
With the presentation of the Volunteer Work Exchange, an initiative of the Entrajuda social solidarity project in Lisbon, the President of the Republic began the 3rd Campaign of the Route to Inclusion, dedicated to Voluntary Work and Social Exclusion in Urban Environments.
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Mr. and Mrs. Cavaco Silva and the Prince of Asturias enjoyed a walking tour of Oviedo

Mr. and Mrs. Cavaco Silva and the Prince of Asturias enjoyed a walking tour of Oviedo

The President of the Republic concluded the State visit to Spain in Asturias

The last day of the State visit of President and Mrs. Cavaco Silva to Spain started with a brief meeting with Prince Felipe of Asturias, followed by a walking tour of the historical centre of Oviedo.

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The Principality of Asturias welcomed the Portuguese President

The Principality of Asturias welcomed the Portuguese President

President Cavaco Silva met with the Government of Asturias and visited a thermo electric power station

The State Visit of President Cavaco Silva to Spain included a visit to the Principality of Asturias, which commenced with a meeting with the President of the local Government, immediately followed by an enlarged encounter with all the members of the Executive.

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President Cavaco Silva concluded Madrid visit

President Cavaco Silva concluded Madrid visit

The President of the Republic visited the Centre for Astrobiology and Portuguese enterprises

The third day of the President of the Republic’s State Visit to Spain commenced with a working breakfast with the Board of Directors of the Caixa Geral Bank (Caixa Geral de Depósitos Group).

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The President delivered a speech to the two Chambers of the Spanish Parliament

The President delivered a speech to the two Chambers of the Spanish Parliament

President Cavaco Silva received in a plenary meeting of the Spanish Parliament

In a joint plenary session, the members of the Spanish Parliament and Senate welcomed the President of the Portuguese Republic, who received the medals of honour of both Houses.

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© 2006-2016 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic

You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.