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30.º aniversário da adesão de Portugal às Comunidades Europeias
30.º aniversário da adesão de Portugal às Comunidades Europeias
Lisboa, 8 de janeiro de 2016 see more: 30.º aniversário da adesão de Portugal às Comunidades Europeias


School room of the 3rd year of integrated teaching

School room of the 3rd year of integrated teaching

The President visited a Luxembourg primary school with integrated teaching in Portuguese
The President of the Republic and Mrs. Maria Cavaco Silva visited today, in Luxembourg, the primary school in Eich, which has a system of integrated teaching in Portuguese.
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Guard of honour on arrival

Guard of honour on arrival

President Cavaco Silva in Luxembourg to visit the Portuguese Community
The President of the Republic and Mrs. Maria Cavaco Silva arrived in Luxembourg for a visit to the Portuguese Community in that Country.
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Standing Committee of the Council of the Portuguese Communities in the Palace of Belem

Standing Committee of the Council of the Portuguese Communities in the Palace of Belem

The President held a meeting with the Standing Committee of the Council of the Portuguese Communities
The President of the Republic received, today, the Standing Committee of the Council of the Portuguese Communities.
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Former Vice President received in Belém

Former Vice President received in Belém

President Cavaco Silva received the former Vice President of the United States of América, Al Gore
The President of the Republic received, in the Palace of Belem, the former Vice-President of the United States of America, Al Gore, who was also the President’s guest for dinner.
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Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of RTP

Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of RTP

President of the Republic at the ceremony commemorating the 50th anniversary of RTP
The President of the Republic presided at the ceremony celebrating the 50 years of Radio and Television in Portugal, where he delivered a speech.
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Decision announced by the Head of the Presidential Civil Establishment.

Decision announced by the Head of the Presidential Civil Establishment.

President of the Republic dissolved the Parliament of the Madeira Autonomous Region and set the date for elections on May 6
The President of the Republic dissolved the Parliament of the Madeira Autonomous Region and set the date for regional elections to take place on May 6 next.
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AACDN received by the President

AACDN received by the President

The President received the Association of Auditors of Courses in National Defence
The President of the Republic received, in audience, the Board of Directors of the Association of Auditors of Courses in National Defence (AACDN).
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Award of the “2006 Gold Helmet”

Award of the “2006 Gold Helmet”

The President received the "2006 Gold Helmet" from the Portuguese Association of Voluntary Fire Fighters
The President of the Republic received, in audience, the President of the Portuguese Association of Voluntary Fire Fighters (APBV), Dr. Paulo de Jesus, who awarded him the “2006 Gold Helmet”.
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Visit to the Geographic Society

Visit to the Geographic Society

President Cavaco Silva received the chain of honour from the Geographic Society
The President of the Republic visited the Geographic Society of Portugal which conferred upon him the status of Protector of the Society and awarded him with the chain of Honorary President.
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The President of the Republic will undertake in March the 2nd Campaign of the Route to Science dedicated to Clean Technologies
The President of the Republic will undertake on March 12 and 13 the 2nd Campaign of the Route to Science, dedicated to Clean Technologies.
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© 2006-2016 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic

You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.