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Cerimónia de despedida das Forças Armadas
Cerimónia de despedida das Forças Armadas
Lisboa, 17 de fevereiro de 2016 see more: Cerimónia de despedida das Forças Armadas


Water management highlighted in the visit

Water management highlighted in the visit

Assesseira Water Treatment Plant received the President’s visit
The Assesseira Water Treatment Plant, in Tomar, the most important production plant of the supply system of Empresa das Águas Públicas de Lisboa (EPAL) – Lisbon Public Water Supply Corporation - received the visit of the President of the Republic, as part of the programme of the Route to Science.
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Hydroelectric power station

Hydroelectric power station

President visited Castelo de Bode Dam
Beginning the second day of his Route to Science, the President of the Republic visited the Castelo de Bode Dam, going round the hydroelectric power station and witnessing the presentation of projects by EDP to strengthen energy production capacity and for the construction of new power stations.
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Partnerships in the limelight during the visit to Aveiro University.

Partnerships in the limelight during the visit to Aveiro University.

R&D Projects of Aveiro University shown to President Cavaco Silva
Ending the first day of the 2nd Campaign of the Route to Science, the President of the Republic assisted, in Aveiro University, to a presentation of R&D projects related to energy, telecommunications and environment, and witnessed the signing of a protocol on energy efficiency.
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Leader in the manufacture of wind towers

Leader in the manufacture of wind towers

President visited the company supplying projects of renewable energy
Continuing the 2nd Campaign of his Route to Science, the President of the Republic visited, in Oliveira de Frades, the Martifer Company, which is a producer of integrated projects for the sector of renewable energies.
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Route to Science in Porto

Route to Science in Porto

Environmental and renewable energy projects presented to the President in the Porto Faculty of Engineering
The President of the Republic visited the Faculty of Engineering of Porto University, where he was shown the clean technology projects in progress in this Academy.
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Wind Farm will be Europe’s largest.

Wind Farm will be Europe’s largest.

President commences Route dedicated to Clean Technologies in a Wind Farm located in the Minho Province
In the beginning of the 2nd Campaign of the Route to Science, dedicated to Clean Technologies, the President of the Republic visited the S. Paio Wind Farm, at Vila Nova da Cerveira.
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Dinner in Luxembourg

Dinner in Luxembourg

President meets hundreds of Portuguese resident in Luxembourg

At the end of the visit to Luxembourg, to encounter the Portuguese Community, the President of the Republic had dinner with several hundreds of Portuguese resident in the country.

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Portuguese representatives with the President

Portuguese representatives with the President

Young Portuguese executives in Luxembourg met with President Cavaco Silva
Young junior and senior Portuguese executives resident in Luxembourg met with the President of the Republic today, as part of the visit to the Portuguese Community in that Country.
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Portuguese representatives with the President

Portuguese representatives with the President

President met with representatives of the Portuguese Community in Luxembourg
The President of the Republic met with the representatives of the Portuguese Community in Luxembourg, as part of the visit to join the Portuguese expatriates in that Country.
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Innovation in the limelight during the Presidential visit

Innovation in the limelight during the Presidential visit

President announced the Prize for Innovation for Portuguese expatriates
The President of the Republic announced in Luxembourg that a Prize for Innovation had been established to distinguish projects tendered by Portuguese citizens resident abroad.
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© 2006-2016 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic

You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.