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Comemorações do Dia de Portugal, de Camões e das Comunidades Portuguesas
Comemorações do Dia de Portugal, de Camões e das Comunidades Portuguesas
Lamego, 9 de junho de 2015 see more: Comemorações do Dia de Portugal, de Camões e das Comunidades Portuguesas


New health centre

New health centre

The President of the Republic officially opened Luz Hospital
The President of the Republic presided at the official opening of a new health centre in Lisbon, the Luz Hospital.
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Speaker of Parliament received in Belem

Speaker of Parliament received in Belem

The President received the Speaker of Parliament
The President of the Republic received, in Audience, Dr. Jaime Gama, Speaker of Parliament.
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Museum of the Presidency of the Republic joins the commemoration of the International Day for Monuments and Sites

The Museum of the Presidency of the Republic will join the commemoration of the International Day for Monuments and Sites, through a series of events which will take on 18 April next, in partnership with the Botanical-Tropical Garden and Santa Maria de Belém Parish Council.

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Closure of the Conference

Closure of the Conference

President Cavaco Silva closed the Conference "Civic Commitment for inclusiveness"
The President of the Republic closed the Conference "Civic Commitment for Inclusiveness" with a speech delivered within the scope of a discussion panel covering the theme “Social policies".
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Route illustrated by 123 photographs

Route illustrated by 123 photographs

Presentation of the book "Route to Inclusiveness 2006"
A book with 123 photographs illustrating the four campaigns of the Route to Inclusiveness was launched during the Conference "Civic Commitment for Inclusiveness”.
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Inclusiveness and the role of organizations

Inclusiveness and the role of organizations

Organizations faced by the challenges of inclusiveness
The participants in the Conference "Civic Commitment for Inclusiveness" debated how organizations may contribute towards social inclusiveness.
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How citizens may contribute towards inclusiveness

How citizens may contribute towards inclusiveness

Delegates to the Conference debate the role of citizens in activities for social inclusiveness
The role of citizens and how these may contribute to social inclusiveness was the central theme of the second discussion panel of the Conference "Civic Commitment for Inclusiveness", which took place in Santarem.
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First discussion panel of the Conference

First discussion panel of the Conference

Social exclusion, economic growth and competitiveness debated in the Santarem Conference
The Conference covering the "Civic Commitment for Inclusiveness", in which more than 1,200 people from all over the country are taking part, was started with a debate on the theme “Social exclusion, economic growth and competitiveness”.
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Exhibition shows the campaigns of the Route to Inclusiveness

Exhibition shows the campaigns of the Route to Inclusiveness

President opened the exhibition which preceded the Conference "Civic Commitment for Inclusiveness"
The President of the Republic opened the exhibition “Route to Inclusiveness 2006”, which preceded the Conference “Civic Commitment for Inclusiveness” now being held in the National Exhibition Centre, in Santarem.
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Debate with young Latvians

Debate with young Latvians

Heads of State of the Arraiolos Group debated the future of Europe with students and young researchers
During the second day of the Informal Meeting of Heads of State, occurring in Riga, the President of the Republic took part in a debate with Latvian students and young researchers.
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© 2006-2016 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic

You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.