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Visita ao Hospital das Forças Armadas
Visita ao Hospital das Forças Armadas
Lisboa, 19 de janeiro de 2016 see more: Visita ao Hospital das Forças Armadas


Eusébio in the Palace of Belém

Eusébio in the Palace of Belém

President Cavaco Silva received Eusébio
The President of the Republic received, in audience, the former international soccer player Eusébio da Silva Ferreira.
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Audience granted to José Ribeiro e Castro

Audience granted to José Ribeiro e Castro

The President received José Ribeiro e Castro
The President of the Republic received, in audience, Dr. José Ribeiro e Castro.
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Sergey Stanishev received in Belem

Sergey Stanishev received in Belem

The President received the Prime Minister of Bulgaria
The President of the Republic received, in audience, the Prime Minister of Bulgaria, Sergey Stanishev.
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Audience granted to Director of Odebrecht

Audience granted to Director of Odebrecht

The President of the Republic received Marcelo Odebrecht
The President of the Republic received, in audience, the Director of Odebrecht, Engenharia e Construção, S.A., Marcelo Bahia Odebrecht.
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Prof. Freitas do Amaral received in Belem

Prof. Freitas do Amaral received in Belem

The President received the National Commissioner for the New 7 Wonders
The President of the Republic received, in audience, the National Commissioner for the Official Declaration of the New 7 Wonders of the World and for the Election of the 7 Wonders of Portugal, Prof. Diogo Freitas do Amaral.
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Angel Gurria in Belem

Angel Gurria in Belem

The President received the Secretary General of OECD
The President of the Republic received, in audience, the Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Angel Gurria.
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Romano Prodi received in Belem

Romano Prodi received in Belem

The President received the Prime Minister of Italy
The President of the Republic received, in audience, the Prime Minister of Italy, Romano Prodi.
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Visit to IESM

Visit to IESM

The President visited the Higher Institute of Military Learning
The President of the Republic visited, in Lisbon, the Higher Institute of Military Learning (IESM).
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Supreme National Defence Council meeting

Supreme National Defence Council meeting

Meeting of the Supreme National Defence Council
The President of the Republic chaired the meeting of the Supreme National Defence Council.
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Ferenc Gyurcsány in Belem

Ferenc Gyurcsány in Belem

The President received the Prime Minister of Hungary
The President of the Republic received, in audience, the Prime Minister of Hungary, Ferenc Gyurcsány.
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© 2006-2016 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic

You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.