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Visita ao Centro de Formação  Profissional de Setúbal,  no âmbito da 6ª jornada do Roteiro para uma Economia Dinâmica dedicada à Educação e Formação Profissional
Visita ao Centro de Formação Profissional de Setúbal, no âmbito da 6ª jornada do Roteiro para uma Economia Dinâmica dedicada à Educação e Formação Profissional
Setúbal, 11 de setembro de 2015 see more: Visita ao Centro de Formação  Profissional de Setúbal,  no âmbito da 6ª jornada do Roteiro para uma Economia Dinâmica dedicada à Educação e Formação Profissional


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In the introduction to the book entitled “Routes”, President Cavaco Silva reveals his understanding of the exercise of presidential duties

A book containing the more significant speeches delivered by the President of the Republic in the first year of his mandate – entitled “Routes” – has just been published.

In the introduction written for the book, the President of the Republic briefly reveals his understanding as to the exercise of presidential duties.

The book has 336 pages in five chapters, and the steps of the presidential agenda throughout the year commenced on March 9, 2006, with dozens of illustrations.

Total Portugal, Economy and Sustainable Growth, Development and Social Cohesion, Education, Science and Culture, and Portugal in Europe and in the World, are the names of the five chapters of the book which has just been published.

The book was printed in Munken Lynx paper with a first edition of 3,000 copies, produced with environment respecting methods and certified by the “Forest Stewardship Council”.

A digital presentation of the book is available in this official site of the Presidency of the Republic on the Internet, by entering “Direct Presidency” in the main menu, under “Publications”.

Click here to read the introduction to “Routes”


© 2006-2016 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic

You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.