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Visita ao Centro de Formação  da Escola da Guarda (GNR)
Visita ao Centro de Formação da Escola da Guarda (GNR)
Portalegre, 11 de fevereiro de 2016 see more: Visita ao Centro de Formação  da Escola da Guarda (GNR)


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Presidente da República abriu seminário económico em Goa (5)
Presidente da República abriu seminário económico em Goa (2)
Presidente da República abriu seminário económico em Goa (6)
Presidente da República abriu seminário económico em Goa (3)
Presidente da República abriu seminário económico em Goa (4)
Presidente da República abriu seminário económico em Goa (1)

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Economic seminar in Goa

Economic seminar in Goa

President of the Republic opens economic seminar in Goa
On the first day of his visit to Goa the President of the Republic opened an economic seminar which was attended by Indian businessmen from the State of Goa and their Portuguese counterparts who are travelling in the presidential party on the visit to India.

The President made a speech at the seminar.

Previously, President Cavaco Silva had granted an audience to the Chief Minister of the State of Goa, Shri Pratapsingh Raoji Rane.
Read about the speech by the President of the Republic

© 2006-2016 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic

You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.