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Imposição das insígnias de Membro Honorário da Ordem do Infante D. Henrique no estandarte do Instituto dos Pupilos do Exército
Imposição das insígnias de Membro Honorário da Ordem do Infante D. Henrique no estandarte do Instituto dos Pupilos do Exército
Lisboa, 25 de março de 2011 see more: Imposição das insígnias de Membro Honorário da Ordem do Infante D. Henrique no estandarte do Instituto dos Pupilos do Exército


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Speech delivered by the President of the Republic at the Ceremonies celebrating the 171st Anniversary of the continuous military presence in Lamego and the 50th Anniversary of the Special Operations
Lamego, 6 September 2010

Minister for National Defence,
Mayor of Lamego,
Chief of the Army General Staff,
Reverend Bishop of Lamego,
Commander of the Special Operations Troop Centre,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am always particularly pleased to visit Lamego, this historical, noble and beautiful city of the Beiras region. I warmly salute the people of the county.

When, upon arrival, I view the Castle, on the top of the city’s highest hill, still minding its lands and its inhabitants, I think of Lamego also as a basis of our nationality, of the characteristics of its people and their forceful soul, and of the resilient and humble heroism of its soldiers.

In this festive period, Lamego when decked is especially welcoming, with the hospitality of its people equal only to the beauty that the eye can see and to the richness demonstrated by its traditional culture which it so adequately characterizes and identifies.

Lamego is a model city in how it receives and relates with the military and has today another motive to celebrate, with the commemoration of the 171st anniversary of continuous military presence and the 50th anniversary of the Special Operations units located here.

The 9th Infantry Regiment, in Lamego since 6 September 1839, was the first Army unit quartered in this city. Its heroic behaviour in World War I, specifically in Neuve Chapelle in March 1918, earned it the place of honour in its Brigade: the prerogative to marshal on the right of all the battalions.

It took part in several campaigns in defence of the Fatherland, internally and externally. In the 60s decade of last century, with the development of the art of war and of the international strategic context, it was necessary to create a military unit within the Army that could master the new capabilities demanded within the scope of special operations, particularly in that of counter subversion.

Thus the appearance, in 1960, of the Special Operations Instruction Centre, with the motto “THAT THE MANY, WHO ARE FEW, SHALL NOT BE FEARED”.

The investment in the quality and in the excellence of human resources commenced early, with some of the Special Operations founding staff visiting Algeria, where France was then fighting the insurrection, and from which they gleaned fundamental lessons for the preparation of the Army’s counter subversion manuals, grasping concepts that are still valid today for that type of fighting, ever present in the current operational theatres.

For 15 years, Lamego produced fighting cadres and sub-units – Special Assault Troops and Commandos – who, in Africa, in the Angola, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau operational theatres, gave unquestionable proofs of heroism and demonstrated a high notion of duty in all their intense operational activity.

The Special Operations Instruction Centre, currently Special Operations Troop Centre, took active part in the operations that, on 25 April 1974, conducted to the restoration of democracy in Portugal. In the more recent past, the activity of this Unit continued notorious, in its drive for the evacuation operations of national citizens and in peace support missions.

Intense training and practise, provided by competent staff and great motivation, allowed creating and maintaining a corps of elite troops, highly specialized and with effective readiness, which is a tool of great value at the disposal of national defence and of Portuguese foreign policy, with abundant proof given in battle and in high risk operations.

In Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, Cape Verde, Congo Republic, São Tomé, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo and East Timor, among other places, this Unit has always been present wherever Portugal has need of it.

The components of special operations merit their motto, not fearing the enemy for its numbers, neither the multiple missions with which they are entrusted, due to their demand or complexity. This small group of soldiers fulfils their duties with courage, determination and patriotism, since it knows it is in the vanguard of Portugal and the Portuguese.

The public recognition that I will render them in this ceremony is thus fully justified, conferring on the Special Operations Troop Centre the title of Honorary Member of the Military Order of Avis and imposing the respective badge on the National Standard for which it is responsible.

Since the value and professionalism of the Armed Forces are largely recognized by the Portuguese, Lamego is one of the better instances of the great affinity of the Military Institution with the local people and authorities.

The support, respect and affection that the military have always deserved from the peoples of Lamego have surely been a factor of motivation for the exercise of their mission in the defence of national cohesion and security.

The Armed Forces are perceived here as what they really represent: not a body foreign to society, but rather an integral part of the people from whom they arise. They are family members and friends who are ready to give their efforts and forsake their own lives in order that we can all accomplish Portugal.

A final word of praise for the soldiers of the Special Operations Troop Centre who, such as their forbears of the “Ninth”, have left in the paths of History a trail of value and bravery, but also of deep humanity, in all the campaigns they have taken part.

I encourage those present, civilians and military, to continue working jointly. I appeal to the Portuguese to leave their divisions behind, since it is cohesion and unity that Portugal needs to overcome the difficulties it is facing. Together we will be better, together we will be stronger, and together we will surpass the obstacles we are encountering, as we have always succeeded in doing throughout our History.

Thank you all.

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