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Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas
Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas
Nova Iorque, EUA, 28 de setembro de 2015 see more: Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas


Vitor Caldeira received in Belém

Vitor Caldeira received in Belém

President of the Republic received President of European Court of Auditors

The President of the Republic received, in audience, the President of the European Court of Auditors, Dr. Vítor Caldeira.

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Visit to the factory in Avanca

Visit to the factory in Avanca

President attends celebrations of 90th anniversary of Nestlé Portugal

The President of the Republic visited the Nestlé works, in Avanca, Estarreja, to attend the celebrations of the 90th anniversary of the company’s presence in Portugal, and during which he delivered a speech.

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Foreword to Book “Routes VIII”

Foreword to Book “Routes VIII”

President Cavaco Silva analyses the “post-troika” period in the Foreword to “Routes VIII”

To celebrate the anniversary of the empowerment for his second mandate, on 9 March, the President of the Republic publishes the Foreword of “Routes VIII”, a book that brings together the main speeches he delivered during last year.

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Citrus fruit orchard

Citrus fruit orchard

President concluded in Silves journey dedicated to Algarve young farmers

Continuing his journey dedicated to young farmers in the Algarve, the President of the Republic visited, in Portela da Nave, Loulé, the Queijaria Martins, goat farming and fresh cheese production undertaking.

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Horticultural products undertaking

Horticultural products undertaking

President Cavaco Silva met with Algarve Young Farmers

At the beginning of a journey dedicated to farming by the new generations, the President of the Republic visited two agricultural undertakings and met with 60 young farmers from the region of the Algarve.

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António Gomes de Pinho received in Belém

António Gomes de Pinho received in Belém

President of the Republic received President of Arpad Szenes Foundation

The President of the Republic received, in audience, the President of the Arpad Szenes-Vieira da Silva Foundation, Dr. António Gomes de Pinho.

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Ceremony in the Palace of Belém

Ceremony in the Palace of Belém

President of the Republic empowered new judge of Constitutional Court

The President of the Republic empowered the new magistrate of the Constitutional Court, Professor Doctor João Pedro Barrosa Caupers.

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Audience in the Palace of Belém

Audience in the Palace of Belém

President of the Republic received Officers of Sporting Clube de Portugal

The President of the Republic received, audience, the Governing Officers of Sporting Clube de Portugal.

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Audience in Belém

Audience in Belém

President Cavaco Silva received Officers of the Society of Physicians

The President of the Republic received, in audience, the governing Officers of the Society of Physicians.

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Audience in Belém

Audience in Belém

President of the Republic received Luxembourg’s Prime Minister and Minister of Justice

The President of the Republic received, in audience, the Prime Minister of Luxembourg and its Minister of Justice.

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© 2006-2016 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic

You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.