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Visita às salinas
Visita às salinas
Rio Maior, 3 de fevereiro de 2016 see more: Visita às salinas


Prize for Portuguese Origin Ideas

Prize for Portuguese Origin Ideas

President Cavaco Silva attends the award of FAZ Prizes – Innovative Entrepreneurialism in the Diaspora and Portuguese Origin Ideas

The President of the Republic presided at the Award Ceremony of the FAZ Prizes – Prize for Innovative Entrepreneurialism in the Portuguese Diaspora and Prize for Portuguese Origin Ideas, which was held in the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

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Decorations awarded by the President of the Republic at the Commemorative Ceremony, to be held in Guarda on 10 June, National Day of Portugal, Camões and the Portuguese Communities

The President of the Republic will decorate, at the Commemorative Ceremony of the National Day of Portugal, Camões and the Portuguese Communities, to be held in Guarda on 10 June instant, the following individualities and institutions:

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Presidents in Economic Seminar

Presidents in Economic Seminar

Presidents Cavaco Silva and Peña Nieto at the closure of the Economic Seminar “Mexico-Portugal Business Opportunities”

The President of the Republic and the Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto presided at the Closing Session of the Economic Seminar “Mexico-Portugal Business Opportunities”, which was held in Lisbon.

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Ajuda Palace

Ajuda Palace

President of the Republic hosted dinner in honour of Mexican counterpart

In the State Visit to Portugal of the President of the United States of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto and Mrs. Rivera de Peña, the President of the Republic and Mrs. Cavaco Silva hosted a dinner in Ajuda National Palace, at the beginning of which both President Cavaco Silva and his Mexican counterpart addressed speeches.

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Decorations awarded by the President of the Republic to individualities in the Portuguese Communities and foreign citizens on the National Day of Portugal

In celebrating the National Day of Portugal, Camões and the Portuguese Communities, the President of the Republic awarded several individualities from the Portuguese Communities of the Diaspora and foreign citizens decorations which will be opportunely presented.

Following is the list of the decorated individualities:

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Audience in the Palace of Belém

Audience in the Palace of Belém

President Cavaco Silva received Officers of National Youth Council

The President of the Republic received, in audience, the Governing Officers of the National Youth Council

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Decoration of Solidarity Institutions

Decoration of Solidarity Institutions

President decorated institutions distinguished for fight against social exclusion

The President of the Republic decorated several Private Social Solidarity Institutions which have become distinguished in their fight against social exclusion.

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Decoration ceremony

Decoration ceremony

President Cavaco Silva decorated Prof. João Lobo Antunes

The President of the Republic attended, in the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon University, the Last Lecture of Prof. Doctor João Lobo Antunes.

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President of the Republic appointed new Members of the Council of National Orders

The President of the Republic and Grand Master of the Portuguese Honorific Orders has appointed, following a proposal of the respective Chancellor, three new Members of the Council of National Orders.

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Prize handed to Maria Manuel Mota

Prize handed to Maria Manuel Mota

President of the Republic attends Award Ceremony of “2013 Pessoa Prize”

The President of the Republic presided at the award ceremony of the “2013 Pessoa Prize”, held in the Culturgest facilities, in Lisbon, on the occasion of this reward’s anniversary.

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© 2006-2016 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic

You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.