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Audiência com o Presidente Eleito Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
Audiência com o Presidente Eleito Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
Palácio de Belém, 28 de janeiro de 2016 see more: Audiência com o Presidente Eleito Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa


President Cavaco Silva congratulated world judo vice-champion Telma Monteiro

The President of the Republic sent a congratulatory message to athlete Telma Monteiro, who was acclaimed world judo vice champion in the 57 Kg category, in the championship held in Chelyabinsk, Russia.

Following is the text of the congratulatory message sent by President Cavaco Silva:

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President of the Republic sent condolences to the Family of Major General Pires Veloso

The President of the Republic addressed a message of condolences to the Family of Major General Pires Veloso

Following is the text of the message from President Cavaco Silva:

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Following decisions of Constitutional Court, President returned to Parliament, without enactment, Parliamentary bills that had meanwhile been issued

The President of the Republic sent back to Parliament, today, without being enacted, in the terms of article No. 279 of the Constitution, Parliamentary Bills Nos. 262/XII and 264/XII, since the Constitutional Court, in the course of preventive supervision, had declared their unconstitutionality.

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President congratulated Under-19 National Football Team for the second place obtained in the European Championship

The President of the Republic sent a congratulatory message to the Under-19 National Football Team , who achieved second place in the European Championship, played in Hungary.

Following is the text of the message from President Cavaco Silva:

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The President of the Republic requested from the Constitutional Court preventive supervision on the constitutionality of two Parliamentary bills

The President of the Republic requested from the Constitutional Court preventive supervision on the constitutionality of two Parliamentary bills.

Regarding this decision, the Presidency of the Republic publishes the following communiqué:

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Meeting of SCND

Meeting of SCND

Meeting of the Supreme Council for National Defence

The Supreme Council for National Defence held an ordinary meeting chaired by the President of the Republic.

At the end of the meeting, held in the Palace of Belém, the following notice was published, the text of which is as follows:

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Ambassador Rui Macieira

Ambassador Rui Macieira

President delivered letters credential to new Portuguese Ambassador in Denmark

The President of the Republic received, in audience, Ambassador Rui Macieira, to deliver his letters credential As Portugal’s diplomatic representative in Copenhagen, Denmark.

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Decoration Ceremony

Decoration Ceremony

President of the Republic decorated Dr. Raquel Oliveira Martins

The President of the Republic decorated, with the grade of Officer of the Military Order of Christ, Dr. Raquel Oliveira Martins, who will be terminating her office as Consultant to the President for International Relations, in order to exercise duties in the Portuguese Standing Committee with the United Nations Organization, in New York.

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President of the Republic addressed a message to Parliament on the bill concerning State Secrecy

The President of the Republic addressed a message to Parliament on the enactment of the bill that approves the Rules of State Secrecy, the twenty first change to the Code of Penal Process and the thirty first change to the Penal Code, and revokes Law No. 4/84, dated 7 April.

Following is the text of the message from President Cavaco Silva:

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Audience in Belém

Audience in Belém

President received Governors of Nova University Faculty of Economy

The President of the Republic received, in audience, the Governors of the Faculty of Economy of Lisbon Nova University.

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© 2006-2016 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic

You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.