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Cerimónia de despedida das Forças Armadas
Cerimónia de despedida das Forças Armadas
Lisboa, 17 de fevereiro de 2016 see more: Cerimónia de despedida das Forças Armadas


Data base “Addresses by Presidents of the Republic” available in the official site of the Presidency

The data base “Addresses by Presidents of the Republic”, set up with the objective to bring together and provide access to the speeches of the Portuguese Heads of State since the Republic was proclaimed, will be available online as from 5 December instant.

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Serralves Foundation decorated

Serralves Foundation decorated

President attends Closure of the Founder’s Board of Serralves Foundation on its 25th anniversary

The President of the Republic presided, in Porto, at the Closing Session of the Meeting of the Founder’s Board of Serralves Foundation, upon the celebration of its 25th anniversary, during which he addressed a speech.

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Visiting “Casa da Companhia”

Visiting “Casa da Companhia”

President Cavaco Silva meets young entrepreneurs in 25th anniversary of the Youth Foundation

The President of the Republic visited the Youth Foundation, in “Casa da Companhia”, Porto, upon the celebration of its 25th anniversary, met with young entrepreneurs who made presentations of their projects, incubated in the Foundation, and attended a session allusive to the event, during which he delivered an address.

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President of the Republic promotes International Conference “Portugal and Youth – New Trends, Further Hope”

The President of the Republic will promote, to be carried out in May 2015, an International Conference under the theme “Portugal and Youth – New Trends, Further Hope”, included in his Routes to the Future initiative.

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Decoration ceremony

Decoration ceremony

President decorated National Table Tennis Team – European Champion

The President of the Republic decorated, in the Palace of Belém, the National Table Tennis Team which won the European Championship in a tournament held in Portugal in the past month of September.

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Visit to County in the Alentejo

Visit to County in the Alentejo

President of the Republic visited County of Castelo de Vide

President Cavaco Silva travelled to the County of Castelo de Vide, visiting the Capturing Centre and Bottling Plant of Água Vitalis, of the Unicer Group and presided, in the town, at the Commemorative Ceremony of the reopening of Mouzinho da Silveira Cine-Theatre.

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Portuguese in the UAE

Portuguese in the UAE

President Cavaco Silva with Portuguese Community in the United Arab Emirates

Concluding his official visit to the United Arab Emirates, the President of the Republic met the Portuguese Community residing in the country.

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Meeting in Dubai

Meeting in Dubai

President of the Republic met Prime Minister of UAE and Emir of Dubai

In the second and last day of his official visit, the President of the Republic met with the Vice President, Prime Minister and Minister of Defence of the United Arab Emirates and Emir of Dubai, Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

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822 metre high building

822 metre high building

President visited the Burj Khalifa Tower, world’s highest

During his official visit to the United Arab Emirates, the President of the Republic was invited to visit, in Dubai, the Burj Khalifa Tower, the world’s highest, with 822 metres.

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Luncheon in Dubai

Luncheon in Dubai

President with Dubai entrepreneurs and investors and officers responsible for EXPO 2020

As foreseen in the programme of his official visit to the United Arab Emirates, the President of the Republic held a meeting with relevant entrepreneurs and investors from Dubai and the officers responsible for the organization of EXPO 2020, to be held in this Emirate.

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© 2006-2016 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic

You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.